Mengucap Tahniah
try Again
Lesson 103
Mengucap Tahniah
Dengar perbualan di bawah ini dengan teliti.
Did you hear the good news?
Adakah anda terdengar berita baik itu?


I got a promotion at my job.
Saya telah dinaikkan pangkat.

Wow! Congratulations!
Wah! Tahniah!

Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.
'Anda memang layak untuk ini.' Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.;
You are really deserve this.
You are really deserved this.
You really deserved this.
You did really deserved this.
Saya berasa sangat gembira untuk awak.
    • happy
    • I am
    • you.
    • happiness.
    • so
    • for
    'Saya berasa sangat teruja untuk awak.' Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.;
    I am really exciting for you.
    I am really excitement for you.
    I am really excited to you.
    I am really excited for you.
    Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
    Congrats ______
    on your promotion
    to your promotion
    from your promotion
    'Ini adalah berita baik. Tahniah!' Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.;
    This is great news. Congrats!
    This is great news. Congrates!
    This are great news. Congrats!
    This is great news. Congregations!
    Dengar perbualan di bawah ini dengan teliti.
    I got a promotion at work in the beginning of the week.
    Saya telah dinaikkan pangkat pada awal minggu ini.

    Seriously? Wow!
    Benarkah? Wah!

    Yes! I am really happy.
    Ya! Saya memang sangat gembira.

    Congratulations on your promotion.
    Tahniah atas kenaikan pangkat anda.

    Thank you very much.
    Terima kasih.

    I am really excited for you.
    Saya berasa gembira untuk anda.

    Saya berasa sangat teruja apabila mendengar kamu akan mempunyai seorang bayi.
    • I am
    • that
    • very excited
    • have a baby.
    • you're going to
    • to hear
    Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
    You're getting engaged? That ______
    is wonderful news
    wonderful news
    are wonderful news
    is wonderfully news
    Tahniah untuk hari perkahwinan anda!
    • you
    • congrats
    • to
    • your
    • wedding day!
    • on
    Tahniah atas kehamilan anda.
    • having
    • a baby.
    • to
    • has
    • congratulations
    • on
    'Saya terdengar kamu telah mendapat kerja baru. Ia sememangnya berita baik!' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
    I hearded you got a new job. That's great news!
    I heard you got a new job. That's great news!
    I heared you got a new job. That's great news!
    I heard you are get a new job. That's great news!
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