‏Passive voice: ماضی
try Again
Lesson 126
‏Passive voice: ماضی
‏Noha cleans the office every day = نهى تُنظف المكتب يومياً
‏في المبني للمعلوم الشخص الذي يقوم بالفعل هو subject و الشخص الذي تلقي نتيجة هذا الفعل هو object
‏ في هذة الجملة نهي تكون subject و المكتب object
‏ و نستخدم المبني للمعلوم لنقول ماذا حدث للمفعول به بواسطة الفاعل
‏Active: The teacher corrected the mistakes = المعلم قام بتصحيح الأخطاء
‏Corrected = قام بتصحيح الفعل فى زمن الماضى
‏Active: SUBJECT = The teacher
‏VERB = Corrected
‏OBJECT= the mistakes
‏Passive: The mistakes were corrected by the teacher = الأخطاء صُححت بواسطة المعلمين
المبنى للمجهول The mistakes object + were was/were + corrected past participle + by + the teacher original subject
Noha ate the apple The apple was eaten by Noha
Noha killed the man The man was killed by Noha
Noha ran the race The race was run by Noha
Noha stole the keys The keys were stolen by Noha
Noha rang the bell The bell was rung by Noha
Noha drank the juice The juice was drunk by Noha
active passive
noha ate the apple the apple was eaten by noha
subject + verb + object + ate + the apple object يصبح subject+ [was/were] + past participle + by + subject أصبح object
the apple + was + eaten + by + neha
'The police did not question him' إختر صيغة المبني للمجهول المناسبة;
He is not questioned by the police
He did not questioned by the police
He was not questioned by the police
He doesn't questioned by the police
'The kids forgot the whole story in a few days' إختر صيغة المبني للمجهول المناسبة;
‏The whole story was forgotten by the kids in a few days‎
The whole story is forgotten by the kids in a few days
The whole story did forgotten by the kids in a few days
The whole story was forgot by the kids in a few days
'The children rang the bell' إختر صيغة المبني للمجهول المناسبة;
The bell was rang by the children
The bell was rung by the children
The bell was ring by the children
The bell was ranged by the children
'How did they steal her car?' إختر صيغة المبني للمجهول المناسبة;
How was her car stolen?
How was her car stoled?
How was her car stole?
How was her car stealed?
'The wild animals killed two men yesterday' إختر المبني للمجهول لهذه الجملة;
Two men were killed by the wild animals yesterday
Two men was killed by the wild animals yesterday
Two men were kill by the wild animals yesterday
Two men have killed by the wild animals yesterday
'She sang a song' إختر صيغة المبني للمجهول المناسبة;
A song is sung by her
A song was sung by her
A song was sang by her
A song was sanged by her
'Somebody hit me' إختر صيغة المبني للمجهول المناسبة;
I was hitted
I was hit
I was hitten
I is hit
'A thief stole my car' إختر صيغة المبني للمجهول المناسبة;
My car was stolen by a thief
My car was stoled by a thief
My car is stolen by a thief
My car did stolen by a thief
'We stopped the bus' إختر صيغة المبني للمجهول المناسبة;
We were stopped by the bus
The bus did stopped by us
The bus was stopped by us
The bus is stopped by us
'She didn't win the prize' إختر صيغة المبني للمجهول المناسبة;
The prize do not won by her
The prize did not won by her
The prize is not won by her
The prize was not won by her
'They didn't make their beds' إختر صيغة المبني للمجهول المناسبة;
Their beds do not made by them
Their beds are not made by them
Their beds were not made by them
Their beds were not make by them
'هل أُرسلت الرسالة بواسطته؟' إختر الترجمة باللغة الإنجليزية;
Was that letter send by him?
Was that letter sent by him?
Is that letter sent by him?
Did that letter sent by him?
'I did not tell them' إختر المجهول لهذه الجملة;
They did not told by me
They do not told by me
They are not told by me
They were not told by me
'She bought four apples' إختر المجهول لهذه الجملة;
Four apples were bought by her
Four apples are buy by her
Four apples were buyed by her
Four apples did bought by her
'The police arrested the thieves' إختر المجهول لهذه الجملة;
The thieves were arrested by the police
The thieves are arrested by the police
The thieves did arrested by the police
The thieves were arrest by the police
'‏تم الفوز في المباراة بنا' ‏کیف یترجم باللغة الإنجليزية؟;
The match was win by us.
The match did won by us.
The match is won by us.
The match was won by us.
'Grandmother told good stories' اختر المجهول لهذه الجملة;
Good stories did tell by Grandmother.
Good stories are told by Grandmother.
Good stories were told by Grandmother.
Good stories do told by Grandmother.
اللفظ الآتی