Present Perfect Tense: সকাৰাত্মক
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Lesson 130
Present Perfect Tense: সকাৰাত্মক
I have walked 2 kilometers already. = মই দুই কিলোমিটাৰ গলো (আৰু এতিয়াও গৈ আছোঁ)).
Present perfect tense এনে ঘটনা দেখাবলৈ ব্যবহাৰ কৰা হয় যত কোনো কাৰ্যকলাপ ভূত কালত আৰম্ভ হল আৰু এতিয়ালৈকে চলি আছে বা এতিয়ালৈকে সঁচা হয়.
I have had pasta once. = মই এবাৰ পাস্তা খাইছো.
এই tense এনে ঘটনাৰ বাবেও ব্যবহাৰ কৰা হয় যেতিয়া কোনো কাৰ্য্যকলাপ ভূত কালত শেষ হল কিন্তু কোনো সময় দেখোৱা নাই.
I have worked here since 1999. = মই ১৯৯৯'ৰ পৰা ইয়াত কাম কৰোঁ (আজিও কৰি আছোঁ).
Present Perfect Tense 'ত সাকাৰাত্মক বাক্য বনাবলৈ:
Subject + have/has + ক্ৰিয়াৰ Past Participle ৰূপ.
ইয়াত work 'ৰ Past Participle ৰূপ worked হয়.
She has met me once. = তাই মোক এবাৰ লগ পাইছিলে.

ইয়াত meet 'ৰ Past Participle ৰূপ met হয়. বেচি ভাগে ক্ৰিয়াৰ past participle ৰূপ past tense ৰূপৰ দৰেই হয় কিন্তু irregular verbs 'ৰ বাবে বেলেগ হয় (Eg: I eat (simple present), I ate (simple past), I have eaten (present perfect)).
'To-be verb - Past participle form = Been'^~^'typefacestyle'
present tense present perfect tense
i am i have been
you are you have been
he is he has been
she is she has been
it is it has been
we are we have been
they are they have been
'Eat - Past participle form = Eaten'^~^'typefacestyle'
present tense present perfect tense
i study i have studied
you study you have studied
he studies he has studied
she studies she has studied
it studies it has studied
we study we have studied
they study they have studied
present tense present perfect tense
i eat i have eaten
you eat you have eaten
he eats he has eaten
she eats she has eaten
it eats it has eaten
we eat we have eaten
they eat they have eaten
প্ৰযোজ্য শব্দ লৈ খালী ঠাই পূৰণ কৰক.
I ______
has bought
has buy
have bought
have buyed
'তুমি এই মাত্ৰ তাইক ফোন কৰিলা.' ৰ ইংৰাজী অনুবাদ কি হব?;
You has just called her up.
You have just called her up.
You have just call her up.
You have just callen her up.
প্ৰযোজ্য শব্দ লৈ খালী ঠাই পূৰণ কৰক.
He ______
has lived
have lived
has liven
lived has
তাই নিজৰ নতুন চাকৰি আগতেই আৰম্ভ কৰিলে.
    • has
    • already started
    • she
    • start
    • new job.
    • her
    প্ৰযোজ্য শব্দ লৈ খালী ঠাই পূৰণ কৰক.
    My computer is very old and it ______
    have never work
    have never worked
    has never work
    has never worked
    প্ৰযোজ্য শব্দ লৈ খালী ঠাই পূৰণ কৰক.
    We ______
    have seen
    has seen
    have see
    have saw
    প্ৰযোজ্য শব্দ লৈ খালী ঠাই পূৰণ কৰক.
    They ______
    has been
    been have
    have been
    have were
    'ছেহ ! আমি বাছ ধৰিব নোৱাৰিলো.' ৰ ইংৰাজী অনুবাদ কি হব?;
    Oh no! We have missed the bus.
    Oh no! We has miss the bus.
    Oh no! We has missed the bus.
    Oh no! We have miss the bus.
    প্ৰযোজ্য শব্দ লৈ খালী ঠাই পূৰণ কৰক.
    She ______
    have visited
    has visited
    has visit
    visited has
    প্ৰযোজ্য শব্দ লৈ খালী ঠাই পূৰণ কৰক.
    They ______
    have eaten
    have ate
    have eat
    has eaten
    প্ৰযোজ্য শব্দ লৈ খালী ঠাই পূৰণ কৰক.
    Neha ______
    is bought
    has bought
    has buyed
    have buy
    তাই নিজৰ আটাইকেইটা পৰীক্ষাত উত্তীৰ্ণ হৈছে.
    • has
    • passed
    • she
    • her
    • exams.
    • all
    'মই নিজৰ গৃহকাৰ্য্য হেৰোৱাই দিলো.' ৰ ইংৰাজী অনুবাদ কি হব?;
    I've lose my homework.
    I has lost my homework.
    I lost have my homework.
    I've lost my homework.
    প্ৰযোজ্য শব্দ লৈ খালী ঠাই পূৰণ কৰক.
    I ______
    have won
    have winned
    have win
    won have
    তাই কামটো কৰি দিলে.
    আমি আমৰ গাড়ীখন ধুলো.
    • car.
    • we
    • washed
    • have
    • our
    • has
    প্ৰযোজ্য শব্দ লৈ খালী ঠাই পূৰণ কৰক.
    It ______
    have rained
    have rain
    has rained
    has rain
    পৰৱৰ্ত্তী শব্দ