‏Past Perfect Tense: الایجابیۃ
try Again
Lesson 136
‏Past Perfect Tense: الایجابیۃ
‏He had worked hard before he fell ill = لقد كان يعمل بِجد قبل أن يُصاب بالمرض
نستخدم Past Perfect tenseعندما نريد التحدث عن فعلين أو حادثتين وقعت في الماضي لكن حدث واحد منهما تم قبل الآخر لذلك الحدث الذي حدث قبل نستخدم له past perfect ونستخدم simple past للفعل الذي حدث بعده
لتكوين Past Perfect affirmative نكتب هكذا Subject + had + Past Participle
subject had / d past participle
i had / d worked
you had / d worked
he had / d worked
she had / d worked
it had / d worked
we had / d worked
they had / d worked
إملىء الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
They ______
had speak
had spoke
had spoken
had speaked
كان قد تناول الطعام قبل أن أصل
    • had
    • before
    • already ate
    • he
    • already eaten
    • I arrived
    إملىء الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
    Safiya arrived at 8:00 pm but the movie ______
    has started
    had started
    started had
    إملىء الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
    After the train left Fatma realized that she ______
    left had
    had leave
    had left
    إملىء الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسب
    I ______
    had never seen
    had never see
    had never saw
    never see
    وجدنا الغرفة لأننا قد حجزنا سابق
    • we had booked
    • we were able
    • in advance
    • to get
    • we abled
    • a room because
    'كان نادماً جداً على فعلته ' ‏کیف یترجم باللغة الإنجليزية؟;
    He was very sorry for what he had done
    He had been very sorry for what he did
    He was very sorry for what he had did
    He was very sorry for what he was done
    إملىء الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
    She only ______
    had understand
    had understood
    لقد عاشوا في لندن من قبل
    • London before.
    • had
    • in
    • they
    • lived
    • live
    إملىء الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
    I was looking to meet my friend's sister as I ______
    had heard
    had hear
    had hearded
    'يعرف ھشام عن القاهرة لأنه كان قد عاش فيها من قبل' ‏کیف یترجم باللغة الإنجليزية؟;
    Hisham knew about Cairo because he had lived there before
    Hisham knew about Cairo because he had live there before
    Hisham had knew about Cairo because he had lived there before
    Hisham known about Cairo because he had lived there before
    'سرق اللص ساعتي قبل أن أفعل شيئاً' ‏کیف یترجم باللغة الإنجليزية؟;
    Before I could do anything the thief had stole my watch
    Before I could do anything the thief had stolen my watch
    Before I could do anything the thief stolen my watch
    Before I could do anything the thief had stealed my watch
    إملىء الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
    They ______
    have visit
    had visited
    had visit
    'لقد قمت بإنهاء عملي قبل أن يأتي مديري' ‏کیف یترجم باللغة الإنجليزية؟;
    I have finished my work before my boss came
    I had finishing my work before my boss came
    I had finish my work before my boss came
    I had finished my work before my boss came
    إملىء الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
    The lunch ______
    had finished
    had finish
    finish had
    إملىء الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
    I did not have any money because I ______
    had lost
    had losen
    had lose
    اللفظ الآتی