Voz ativa e voz passiva
try Again
Lesson 139
Voz ativa e voz passiva
Rafael cleans the office everyday. =
O Rafael limpa o escritório todo dia.
Na frase ativa, o autor da ação é o sujeito (subject) da frase e o receptor do resultado da ação é o objeto.
Neste exemplo Rafael é o sujeito e o escritório é o objeto.
Usamos a frase ativa para dizer o que o sujeito fez.
Se forma a frase ativa assim:
Sujeito que está fazendo a ação (subject) + verbo (verb) + receptor do resultado da ação, objeto (object).
The office is cleaned by Rafael. =
O escritório é limpado por Rafael.
Na frase passiva, o receptor do resultado da ação é o sujeito e o autor da ação é o objeto.
Neste exemplo o escritório é o sujeito e Rafael é o objeto.
Usamos a frase passiva quando queremos dizer o que aconteceu com o objeto, sem colocar ênfase em quem realizou a ação.

A frase passiva se forma assim :
Receptor da ação é o sujeito (subject) + verb 'to be' + particípio passado do verbo (past participle of verb) + por (by) + quem está realizando a ação (object).
Selecione a palavra ausente e complete o espaço em branco.
The washroom ______
is clean
is cleaned
is cleaning
Selecione a palavra ausente e complete o espaço em branco.
His work ______
are known
is know
is known
'A porta é aberta por ele.'
Selecione a tradução correta em inglês.
He opened the door.
The door is opened by him.
The door is open by him.
The door is opens by him.
'I draw a picture.'
Indique a forma passiva da frase.
I drew a picture.
A picture is draw by I.
A picture is drawn by I.
A picture is drawn by me.
'They don't help you.'
Transforme a frase em oração passiva.
They are not helped by you.
You are not helped by them.
You are not help by them.
You are not helped by they.
'The gardener waters the plants.'
Transforme a frase em oração passiva.
The gardener is watered by the plants.
The gardener watered the plants.
The plants are watered by the gardener.
The plants are water by the gardener.
'Many people read this article.'
Transforme a frase em oração passiva.
This article is readed by many people.
This article is read by many people.
This article is readen by many people.
Many people are read by the article.
'Paulo repaired the car.'
Transforme a frase em oração passiva.
The car was repaired.
The car was repaired by Paulo.
The car is repair by Paulo.
The car was repair by Paulo.
'Everybody loves chocolate.'
Transforme a frase em oração passiva
Everybody loved chocolate.
Chocolate is loves by everybody.
Chocolate is loved by everybody.
Chocolate is love by everybody
'Maria never understands the kids.'
Transforme a frase em oração passiva.
The kids are never understood by Maria.
The kids are never understood.
The kids are never understand by Maria.
The kids is never understood by Maria.
'Kids always eat candies.'
Transforme a frase em oração passiva
Candies are always eaten by kids.
Candies are always eat by kids.
Candies is always eaten by kids.
Kids eat candies always.
'Raul wears blue shoes.'
Transforme a frase em oração passiva.
Blue shoes are worn.
Blue shoes are worn by Raul.
Blue shoes is wear by Raul.
Raul wore blue shoes.
'You didn't write the letter.'
Transforme a frase em oração passiva.
The letter was not write by you.
You didn't wrote the letter.
The letter was not written by you.
The letter was not written.
'Paula cuts the grass.'
Transforme a frase em oração passiva
The grass was cut by Paula.
The grass is cut by Paula.
The grass is cut.
The grass are cut.
Selecione a palavra ausente e complete o espaço em branco.
Paper ______
is make
are make
is made
Selecione a palavra ausente e complete o espaço em branco.
These cars ______
are make
is made
are made
is make
Someone has stolen my purse.
(Frase ativa)
= Alguém roubou minha bolsa.
Se na frase ativa o sujeito for desconhecido, podemos omitir o autor da ação na frase passiva.
My purse has been stolen (frase passiva) = Minha bolsa foi roubada.
Aqui não dizemos 'by someone' porque, nesta frase passiva, o autor é desconhecido.
'Someone will finish the work by 5:00 pm.' Selecione a tradução correta em inglês.;
The work was finished by 5 PM.
The work will be finish by 5:00 pm.
The work finished by 5:00 pm
The work will be finished by 5:00 pm.
'Someone delivered the newspaper this morning.'
Selecione a tradução correta em inglês.
The newspaper was deliver this morning.
The newspaper is delivered this morning.
The newspaper were delivered this morning.
The newspaper was delivered this morning.
'Somebody is playing loud music.'
Selecione a tradução correta em inglês.
Loud music are being played.
Loud music is being plays.
Loud music is being played
Loud music is being play.
Active: Someone made this film in 2004. = Alguém fez este filme em 2004.

Passive : The film was made in 2004. = O filme foi feito em 2004.

Quando formamos uma frase na voz passiva, geralmente não mencionamos a pessoa ou coisa que faz a ação.
The film was made by Fox. =
Este filme foi feito pela Fox.
Para mostrar por quem foi feita a ação, se usa 'by'.
'Maria painted the pots.'
Transforme a frase em oração passiva
The pots were painted.
Maria paints the pots.
The pots were painted by Maria.
The pots are painted by Maria.
'CDs replaced records in the 1980s.'
Transforme a frase em oração passiva
Records were replace by CDs in the 1980s.
Records were replaced CDs in the 1980s.
Records were replaced by CDs in the 1980s.
Records are replaced CDs in the 1980s.
O carro foi lavado por Paulo.
    • by
    • the
    • Paulo.
    • washed
    • car
    • was
    They sell the tickets The tickets are sold by them
    They + sell + the tickets
    OBJETO -> SUJEITO + [is/am/are] + Particípio Passado + By + SUJETO -> OBJETO
    The tickets + are + sold + by + them
    Próxima palavra