Cara memuji seseorang
try Again
Lesson 143
Cara memuji seseorang
You are=Kamu
Such a lovely photo!=Foto yang indah sekali!
'Foto yang bagus sekali! Kamu kelihatan sangat cantik.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
Such a nice photo! You are looking so pretty.
Such a very nice photo! You are looking so pretty.
Such a nice photo! You are look so pretty.
Such nice photo! You are looking so pretty.
Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
Your daughter is ______
a very cute
very cute
very qute
very queet
Wah, rumah Anda sangat mengagumkan.
    • yours
    • are incredible
    • is incredible
    • Wow
    • your
    • house
    Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
    Your new car ______
    is looks amazing
    looks amazingly
    looks amazing
    is look amazing
    'Betapa indahnya karya seni ini!' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    What the exquisite piece of art!
    What an exquisite piece of art!
    What a exquisite piece of art!
    What exquisite piece of art!
    'Saya sangat suka foto-foto kamu di Instagram.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    I am really liked your photos on Instagram.
    I was really liked your photos on Instagram.
    I did really liked your photos on Instagram.
    I really liked your photos on Instagram.
    Makanan yang kamu buat sangat lezat.
    • made by you
    • are
    • the food
    • make
    • is
    • delicious
    'Saudara perempuannya sangat menarik perhatian.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    His sister is attract.
    His sister is beauty.
    His sister is attractive.
    His sister has attractive.
    Attractive Menarik perhatian
    Mind blowing Menakjubkan
    Exquisite Indah
    Cute Menggemaskan
    Amazing Mangagumkan
    Incredible Luar biasa
    Delicious Lezat
    Delightful Menyenangkan
    Charming Mempesona
    Elegant Anggun
    Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
    She is ______
    a charming
    charming an
    Candi-candi ini terkenal dengan ukiran indahnya.
    • their
    • are known for
    • the
    • exquisite carvings
    • a
    • temples
    'Saya harus memuji keahlian memasak Anda. ' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    I must compliment you on your cooking
    I must complimenting you on your cooking
    I am must compliment you on your cooking
    I am compliment you on your cooking
    Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
    Thank you for ______
    your compliment
    yours compliment
    your complimenting
    Terima kasih atas kata-kata baik Anda.
    • to
    • Thank you
    • for
    • kind
    • your
    • words
    Dengarkan percakapan ini.
    Hey Agus, I saw your photo on Facebook.
    Hai Agus, saya melihat foto kamu di Facebook.

    You did?
    Benarkah? (Kamu telah melakukannya?)

    Yes! What a lovely photo! Where was it taken?
    Ya! Foto yang bagus sekali! Di mana fotonya diambil?

    It was taken in Wakatobi.
    Itu diambil di Wakatobi.

    Wow, the place looks incredible.
    Wah, tempat itu kelihatan menakjubkan.

    It is! It is one of the most beautiful places on earth!
    Memang! Itu salah satu tempat yang terindah di dunia!

    And your daughter looks really cute in all the pictures!
    Dan anak perempuan Anda juga terlihat menggemaskan dalam semua foto itu.

    Thank you so much for your compliment.
    Terima kasih atas pujian Anda.

    Dengarkan percakapan ini.
    Hey Rani, is that painting over there made by you?
    Hai Rani, apakah lukisan di sana buatanmu?

    Yes, it is.
    Ya, memang.

    Wow! It looks exquisite.
    I did not know you were so talented.
    Wah! Itu kelihatan indah.
    Saya tidak tahu kamu sangat berbakat.

    Thank you so much. That's rather kind.
    Terima kasih banyak. Kamu baik.

    I love the vibrant colors.
    I think you have great taste.
    Saya suka warna-warninya yang hidup.
    Saya rasa kamu mempunyai selera yang bagus.

    Thanks a lot. I have also designed this clothes.
    What do you think about it?
    Terima kasih banyak. Saya juga telah merancang baju-baju ini.
    Apa pendapat kamu?

    I think it looks really elegant. Great job!
    Saya pikir ini kelihatan elegan. Bagus!

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