动词短语 (get up, turn it down, turn it off, put them away, 等)
try Again
Lesson 154
动词短语 (get up, turn it down, turn it off, put them away, 等)
It is 8 AM! It's time to ______
get up
gets up
getting up
Wakes up
Woke up
Wake up
Waked up
'快点!巴士还有5分钟就来了!' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
Hurry up! The bus will be here in 5 minutes!
Hurry ups! The bus will be here in 5 minutes!
Hurries up! The bus will be here in 5 minutes!
Hurriedly up! The bus will be here in 5 minutes!
Guo Wei, are you going to work today?
Guo Wei,你今天去上班吗?

Yes, mom.

Well then, wake up! Your bus is about to come.

Alright. I am going for a shower.

You better hurry up, the bus isn't going to wait for you.

Take off = 起飞。
The plane is ready to take off = 飞机准备起飞了。
Take off = 脱掉。
Please take off your shoes = 请脱鞋。
Turn down = 调低(关小声)。
Please turn down the music = 请把音乐关小声一点。
Turn down = 拒绝。
She may turn down our offer = 她可能会拒绝我们。
Turn off = 关掉。
Please turn off the music. = 请把音乐关掉。
Turn down
Get off
Take off
Get down
Can you ______
turn down the volume
take down the volume
take off the volume
get off the volume
    • down
    • on
    • off
    • the
    • TV.
    • Turn
    Put off = 取消
    He has put off our meeting. = 他取消了我们的会议。
    Put away = 放到别处。
    Can you put your shoes away? = 你能把你的鞋子放到别处吗?
    I am cleaning your table. Can you ______
    take off your books
    put your books away
    turn down your books
    turn off your books
    • so dirty
    • put
    • please
    • away.
    • them
    • your shoes are
    '妈妈来的时候他把电视机关掉了。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
    He turned off the TV when mom came.
    He turns the TV off when mom came.
    He turn off the TV when mom came.
    He was turn off the TV when mom came.
    '我会熬夜把工作做完的。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
    I will stay up all night and finish the work.
    I will wake up all night and finish the work.
    I will turn up all night and finish the work.
    I will stand up all night and finish the work.
    Get up 起来
    Wake up 醒来/起床
    Stay up 熬夜
    Turn off 关掉
    Turn down 调低(关小声)/拒绝
    Put off 取消
    Put away 放到别处
    Take off 起飞
    The flight ______
    turned off
    wake up
    took off
    take off