Berbincang tentang isu semasa (News)
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Lesson 155
Berbincang tentang isu semasa (News)
Dengar perbualan di bawah ini dengan teliti.
Ali, did you watch the news today?
Ali, adakah kamu menonton berita hari ini?

No, what happened?
Tidak, apa yang sudah berlaku?

There was an earthquake in Indonesia.
Terdapat gempa bumi berlaku di Indonesia.

Oh my God, that's terrible news.
Oh, itu berita yang dahsyat.

'Adakah kamu menonton berita hari ini?' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
Did you watch the news today?
Will you watch the news today?
Are you watch the news today?
Is you watch the news today?
'Indonesia telah berlaku gempa bumi. ' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
There was an earthquake in Indonesia.
There was the earthquake in Indonesia.
There is an earthquake in Indonesia.
There had an earthquake in Indonesia.
Berita terkini hari ini.
    • Today
    • news.
    • is
    • Today's
    • a
    • latest
    Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.
    Oh tuhanku!
    Dengar perbualan di bawah ini dengan teliti.
    I hope there was no casualty.
    Saya berharap tiada sebarang mangsa.

    According to the report, 20 dead bodies have been found.
    Mengikut laporan, terdapat 20 mayat telah dijumpai.


    It could have been worse, but thankfully, the help arrived on time.
    Ia berkemungkinan lebih teruk, tetapi nasib baik pasukan pertologan sampai tepat masa.

    'Saya berharap tiada sebarang mangsa. ' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
    I am hope there was no casualty.
    I hope there was no casualty.
    I hope there was no casually.
    I hope there's was no casualty.
    'Ambulan itu tiba tepat pada masa. ' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
    The ambulance arrived on time.
    The ambulance arrive on time.
    The ambulance was arrived on time.
    The ambulance was arrive on time.
    Dengar perbualan di bawah ini dengan teliti.
    Did you watch the news about the floods in Kelantan?
    Adakah kamu menonton berita tentang banjir di Kelantan?

    Yes, I heard some people suffered for months.
    Ya, saya terdengar beberapa orang mengalami keperitan selama beberapa bulan.

    It was difficult for the rescue workers to reach there.
    Ia adalah sangat susah untuk pasukan penyelamat untuk sampai ke sana.

    'Adakah kamu terdengar berita tentang banjir di Kelantan?' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
    Did you hear the news about the floods in Kelantan?
    Did you listen the news about the floods in Kelantan?
    Did you hear to the news about the floods in Kelantan?
    Did you hear the news at the floods in Kelantan?
    'Mereka menderita selama beberapa bulan.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
    They suffered for months.
    They are suffering for months.
    They were suffered for months.
    They will be suffering for months.
    Ia adalah sangat susah untuk penyelamat sampai di situ.
    • helpers
    • it was
    • difficult
    • the helpers
    • to reach there.
    • for
    Dengar perbualan di bawah ini dengan teliti.
    Natural disasters are increasing day by day. There is a similar situation in Johor.
    Bencana-bencana alam bertambah kian hari. Terdapat situasi yang serupa di Johor.

    The situation is getting worse with each passing day.
    Situasi menjadi semakin teruk dengan berlepanya setiap hari.

    I pray for the families living there.
    Saya berdoa untuk keluarga yang tinggal di sana.

    Me too, but we should also send help.
    Saya juga, tetapi kita sepatutnya menghantar pertolongan.

    'Sehari demi sehari, bencana-bencana alam semulajadi semakin bertambah.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
    Day by day, natural disasters are increasing.
    Day by day, naturally disasters are increasing.
    Day by day, have natural disasters increasing.
    Day by day, natural disasters is increasing.
    Situasi itu sangat teruk.
    • worse.
    • was very
    • situation
    • is very
    • the
    • bad.
    Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
    There was a similar ______
    situation in
    situated in
    situation on
    situated at
    'Saya berdoa untuk keluarga-keluarga yang tinggal di sana.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
    I pray for the families living their.
    I pray for the families living there.
    'Kami sepatutnya menghantar pertolongan ke sana. ' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
    We should send help there.
    We are send help there.
    Should we send help there?
    We would send help there
    Dengar perbualan di bawah ini dengan teliti.
    What can we do to help?
    Apakah yang boleh kami buat untuk tolong?

    We can send some stuff.
    Kami boleh menghantar sedikit barangan.

    Like what?
    Seperti apa?

    They require blankets, medicines, and dry ration after such a disaster.
    Mereka meminta selimut, ubat-ubatan, dan bekalan kering selepas bencana sebegini.

    'Apakah yang kami boleh buat untuk membantu?' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
    How can we do to help?
    What can we help?
    What can we do help?
    What can we do to help?
    Kami boleh menghantar sedikit barangan.
    • some stuff.
    • are
    • can
    • sent
    • send
    • we
    'Mereka memerlukan bekalan kering.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
    They need dry ration.
    They must dry ration.
    They have dry ration.
    They should dry ration.
    Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
    If such a situation ______
    is arises
    to arises
    Perkataan seterusnya