O tempo do passado perfeito
try Again
Lesson 155
O tempo do passado perfeito
He had worked hard before he fell ill. = Ele tinha trabalhado muito antes de adoecer.
Utilizamos o pretérito perfeito para descrever dois eventos do passado, quando queremos dizer que um evento aconteceu antes que outro.
Para falar do primeiro evento utilizamos o pretérito perfeito e para o segundo, o passado simples.
Subject had / d Past Participle
I had / d worked
You had / d worked
He had / d worked
She had / d worked
It had / d worked
We had / d worked
They had / d worked
Selecione a palavra que falta e preencha o espaço em branco.
They ______
had speak
had spoke
had spoken
had speaked
Ele já tinha comido antes de eu chegar.
    • had
    • before
    • already ate
    • he
    • already eaten
    • I arrived.
    Selecione a palavra que falta e preencha o espaço em branco.
    Maria arrived at 8:00 p.m. but the movie ______
    has started
    had started
    started had
    Selecione a palavra que falta e preencha o espaço em branco.
    After the train left, Maria realized that she ______
    left had
    had leave
    had left
    Selecione a palavra que falta e preencha o espaço em branco.
    I ______
    had never seen
    had never see
    had never saw
    never see
    Nós conseguimos um quarto porque tínhamos reservado com antecedência.
    • we had booked
    • we were able
    • in advance.
    • to get
    • we abled
    • a room because
    'Ele estava muito arrependido pelo que tinha feito.'
    Selecione a tradução correta em inglês.
    He was very sorry for what he had done.
    He had been very sorry for what he did.
    He was very sorry for what he had did.
    He was very sorry for what he was done.
    Selecione a palavra que falta e preencha o espaço em branco.
    She only ______
    had understand
    had understood
    Eles tinham morado em Londres antes.
    • London before.
    • had
    • in
    • they
    • lived
    • live
    Selecione a palavra que falta e preencha o espaço em branco.
    I was looking forward to meeting my friend's sister as I ______
    had heard
    had hear
    had hearded
    'Rodrigo conhecia Londres porque tinha morado lá antes.'
    Traduza para o inglês:
    Rodrigo knew London because he had lived there before.
    Rodrigo knew London because he had live there before.
    Rodrigo had knew London because he had lived there before.
    Rodrigo known London because he had lived there before.
    'Antes que eu pudesse fazer algo, o ladrão tinha roubado o meu relógio.' Selecione a tradução correta em inglês.;
    Before I could do anything, the thief had stole my watch.
    Before I could do anything, the thief had stolen my watch.
    Before I could do anything, the thief stolen my watch.
    Before I could do anything, the thief had stealed my watch.
    Selecione a palavra que falta e preencha o espaço em branco.
    They ______
    have visited
    are visiting
    had visited
    had visit
    'Eu tinha acabado meu trabalho antes do meu chefe chegar.' Selecione a tradução correta em inglês.;
    I have finished my work before my boss came.
    I had finishing my work before my boss came.
    I had finish my work before my boss came.
    I had finished my work before my boss came.
    Selecione a palavra que falta e preencha o espaço em branco.
    The lunch ______
    had finished
    had finish
    finish had
    Selecione a palavra que falta e preencha o espaço em branco.
    I did not have any money because I ______
    had lost
    had losen
    had lose
    Próxima palavra