either, neither, also, too, as well的用法
try Again
Lesson 163
either, neither, also, too, as well的用法
You can play either cricket or tennis. = 你可以选择打板球或者网球。
'Either' 用于给出两种不同的选项,选项之间要加 'or'。
Ask him to either wait or go away. = 让他等等,不等的话就走人。
这里的两种选项分别是 'wait'和'go'。要么要在前面加\'either\',或者在中间加 \'or\'。
'你可以去北京或者广州。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
You can go to either Beijing either Guangzhou.
You can go to either Beijing or Guangzhou.
You can go to either Beijing and Guangzhou.
You can go to either Beijing but Guangzhou.
'你可以周日或者周一来。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
You can come either on Sunday nor Monday
You can come neither on Sunday or Monday
You can come either on Sunday and Monday
You can come either on Sunday or Monday
Either Wang Jing or Guo Wei is helping with the decorations = 帮忙装饰的不是Wang Jing就是Guo Wei。
这里不能用\'Either Neha or Sachin 'are' helping\' ,因为帮忙的只有一个人。
'如果Zheng Tao和Jun Liang都不出国的话我就高兴了。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
I will be happy, if either Zheng Tao or Jun Liang goes abroad.
I will be happy, of either Zheng Tao or Jun Liang goes abroad.
I will be happy, if neither Zheng Tao nor Jun Liang goes abroad.
I will be happy, if either Zheng Tao or Jun Liang go abroad.
'我也不会说法语。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
I am not speak French either.
I can't speaks French either.
I can't speak French either.
I can't speak French neither.
Neither. = 也不。
'Neither'要放在两种选项之前,而 'nor'放在两种选项之间。
Neither Zhang Hua nor Jia Hao is present today. = 今天Zhang Hua和Jia Hao都没来。
在这个句子中Zhang Hua和Jia Hao都没来,因此要用'neither-nor'组合。
'无论是人是兽我都不怕。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
I fear neither man nor beast.
I fear man nor beast.
I fear neither man or beast.
I fear neither man not beast.
'你没发电邮也没打电话。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
You neither emails nor calls.
You neither email nor call.
You neither email or call.
Either you email nor call.
Which one did you buy? Neither. = 你买了哪个?哪个都没买。
Which one do you prefer? Either. = 你喜欢哪个?哪个都行。
'刘先生的女儿能歌善舞。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
Mr. Liu's daughter can either sing or dance as well.
Mr. Liu's daughter can sing and dance as well.
Mr. Liu's daughter can't sing and dance as well.
Mr. Liu's daughter can sing and dance well.
He has finished his work. So have I. = 他已经做完工作了。我也是。
这里前半句是第二人称,因此要用'so have I'。
我也一样!' 选择正确的英文翻译。
Where are you from? Beijing?
So am I!
Where are you from? Beijing?
Either me!
Where are you from? Beijing?
Me neither!
Where are you from? Beijing?
And me!
'他是我哥哥,也是我的班主任。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
He is my brother. He is too my class teacher.
He is my brother. He is as well my class teacher.
He is my brother. He is also my class teacher.
He is either my brother or my class teacher.
I haven't finished my work yet.
I haven't finished it either.
= 我还没做完工作。
I haven't finished my work yet.
Neither/nor have I.
= 我还没做完工作。
后半句中的动词是正义的,因此要用 'neither'。
I don't like him. = 我不喜欢他。
I don't like him either = 我也不喜欢他。
后半句中的'don't' 已经是负义的了,因此要用'either'。
I don't like him = 我不喜欢他。
Neither do I = 我也不喜欢他。
这里'do'表示正义,因此要用 'neither'。 要用'me neither'= 我也不。
'他没去上学。他妹妹也没去。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
He didn't go to school. His sister didn't (go) neither.
He didn't go to school. Either did his sister.
He didn't go to school. Or his sister didn't (go).
He didn't go to school. His sister didn't (go) either.
'他会游泳。我也不会游泳。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
He can't swim. I can't swim neither.
He can't swim. Either can't I.
He can't swim. Neither can I.
He can't swim. Neither can't I.
'他有车。我也有。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
He has a car. So am I.
He has a car. So do I.
He have a car. So does I.
He has a car. So did I.
I requested both of them to help, but ______
Neither you ______
I am ______
as well
He hasn't got money. I ______
haven't neither
haven't either