Friendship: bercakap tentang persahabatan
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Lesson 164
Friendship: bercakap tentang persahabatan
Dengar perbualan di bawah dengan teliti.
Hello Siti, what qualities should a good friend have?
Hello Siti, apakah sifat-sifat yang patut seorang kawan baik mempunyai?

The most important quality a friend should have is a good sense of humour.
Seorang kawan baik patutlah pandai berlawak.

That's true! A person who can make you laugh when you are unhappy.
Betul! Kawan yang boleh membuat saya ketawa apabila saya berasa sedih.

Yes. Also, a friend should be someone you can trust and confide in.
Betul. Selain itu, seseorang kawan juga perlulah ialah seseorang yang kita boleh mempercayai.

Exactly, someone with whom you can talk about anything and express your feelings.
Ya! Seseorang kawan putulah boleh berbual-bual tentang apa jua juga.

A friend should also have common sense and should be mature enough to handle difficult situations.
Seseorang kawan juga patutlah berakal dan berfikiran matang, serta boleh menyelesaikan masalah yang timbul.

You have all these qualities and you have always been a good friend to me.
Anda mempunyai sifat-sifat tersebut, maka anda ialah kawan baik saya selamanya.

\'Sense of humour\' tiada terjemahan yang tepat, tetapi kita boleh menyatakan bahawa orang itu berakal cerdik dan pandai berjenaka/berlawak.
Berunsur positif.
He makes me laugh.=Dia selalu membuat saya ketawa.
'Kawan baik saya selalu membuat saya ketawa.' Pilih terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
My best friend makes me laugh a lot.
My best friend laughs me a lot.
My best friend does me laugh a lot.
My best friend laughs at me a lot.
'Kawan yang sejati akan membuat anda berasa selamat apabila menghadapi kesusahan.' Pilih terjemahan yang betul. ;
A real friends makes you feel safe in difficult situations.
A real friend does you feel safe in difficult situations.
A real friend makes you feel safe in difficult situations.
A real friend do you feel safe in difficulty situations.
'Kawan saya tidak akan mendedahkan rahsia saya kepada sesiapa pun.' Pilih terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
My friend doesn't revealed my secrets to anyone.
My friend doesn't reveal my secrets to anyone.
My friend doesn't reveal my secrets with anyone.
My friend doesn't reveal mine secrets to anyone.
'Dia patut mempercayai kawan-kawannya. ' Pilih terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
He would have faith in his friends.
He should have faith in his friend.
He should has faith in his friends.
He should have faith in his friends.
'Kita patutlah berkawan dengan orang yang boleh kita berkongsi tentang masalah yang sedang kita hadapi. ' Pilih terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
We should have friends with whose we can share our problems.
We should have friends with whom we can share our problems.
We should have friends with who's we can share our problems.
We should have friends from whom we can share our problems.
'Anda patut berakal sikit. ' Pilih terjemahan Inggeris yang betul.;
You should have some common sense.
You should have few common sense.
You should have some common senses.
You should have some mutual sense.
Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.
Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.
Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.
Waktu kesusahan
Kawan saya sedang memujuk saya.
    • feel better.
    • is trying
    • to make
    • my friend
    • me
    Saya boleh mempercayai anda.
    • I
    • trust
    • you.
    • can
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