Percakapan tentang makanan bagian 3
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Lesson 175
Percakapan tentang makanan bagian 3
delicious lezat
spicy pedas
bitter pahit
sweet manis
salty asin
sour asam
bland hambar
'Koki mereka bisa memasak hidangan Italia yang sangat lezat.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
Their chef makes delicious Italian food.
There chef makes delicious Italian food.
Their chaf makes delicious Italian food.
Their chafe makes delicious Italian food.
'Semua hidangan restoran ini terasa pahit.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
All the dishes in their restaurant taste sour.
All the dishes in their restaurant taste bitter.
All the dishes in their restaurant are taste bitter.
All the dishes in their restaurant taste better.
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
That rice is not spicy, it is ______
preserved food makanan yang diawetkan
frozen food makanan beku
tinned/canned food makanan kaleng
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
Don't eat that jam, it has a lot of ______
'Makanan beku tidak sehat.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
Frozen food is unhealthy.
Freezed food is unhealthy.
Freeze food is unhealthy.
Freezy good is unhealthy.
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
He couldn't prepare anything so he brought some ______
Canned food and frozen food are also types of preserved food. = Makanan kaleng dan makanan beku termasuk jenis makanan yang diawetkan.

Canned food is preserved by keeping in a can. = Makanan kaleng diawetkan dengan dimasukkan ke dalam kaleng.
Frozen food is preserved by freezing. = Makanan beku diawetkan dengan dibekukan.
Dengarkan percakapan ini.
Ahmad eats a lot of preserved food.
Ahmad selalu makan makanan yang diawetkan.

Yes, he eats a lot of canned food.
Ya, dia makan banyak makanan kaleng.

over-cooked terlalu matang
under-cooked kurang matang
perfectly cooked matang sempurna
burnt hangus
'Jika Anda ingin mengikuti Masterchef, hidangan Anda harus dimasak dengan sempurna. ' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
If you want to get into Masterchef then your food should be perfectly cooked.
If you want to get into Masterchef then your food should be under-cooked.
If you want to get into Masterchef then your food should be over-cooked.
If you want to get into Masterchef then your food should be burnt.
'Jika makanan kurang atau terlalu matang, ia bisa berbahaya bagi kesehatan.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
If the food is under or over cooked, it can be harmful for health.
If the food is under or over cooked, it can be harmfull for health.
If the food is under or over cooked, it can be harmfully for health.
If the food are under or over cooked, it can be harmful for health.
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
When I pre-heat the oven, my dishes usually get ______
'Anda harus bersabar jika ingin menghidangkan makanan yang dimasak dengan sempurna. ' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
You will have to be patient if you want to prepare perfectly cooked food.
You will have to be patient if you want to prepare perfect cooked food.
You will have to be patience if you want to prepare perfectly cooked food.
You will have patient if you want to prepare perfectly cooked food.
Dengarkan percakapan ini.
Did you bring anything for the party?
Apakah waktu itu Anda membawa sesuatu untuk pesta?

Yes, I brought some chicken but it is not edible.
Ya, saya membawa daging ayam, tetapi ia tidak bisa dimakan.

What do you mean?
Apa maksud Anda?

It is under-cooked.
Ia kurang matang.

Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
The food here is so oily. It is barely ______
stale basi
mouldy berjamur
rotten busuk
pungent berbau tajam
'Bagaimana keadaan tomat itu? Segar atau basi?' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
How is that tomato? Fresh or stale?
How is that tomato? Freshly or stalely?
How is that tomato? Latest or old?
How is that tomato? Freshness or stale?
Cokelat-cokelat ini sudah berjamur.
    • chocolates
    • rotten
    • have
    • mouldy
    • those
    • become
    Seperti apa rasa hidangan ini?
    • tasty?
    • dish
    • does
    • this
    • how
    • taste?
    'Baui roti ini dan beri tahu saya adakah ia sudah basi atau tidak.' PIlih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    Smell this bread and tell me whether it's stale or not?
    Smell this bread and tell me whether it's steal or not?
    Smell this bread and tell me whether it's steel or not?
    Smell this bread and tell me whether it's stay or not?
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