Belajar cara memberi saran dan perintah
try Again
Lesson 177
Belajar cara memberi saran dan perintah
'Anda tidak boleh mengemudi ketika mabuk.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
You should not drunk and drive.
You should not drink and drive.
You would not drink and drive.
You should not drink and drove.
'Anda harus memberikan suara kepada partai pilihan Anda.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
You ought vote for the party of your choice.
You ought to voted for the party of your choice.
You ought to vote for the party on your choice.
You ought to vote for the party of your choice.
'Orang kaya semestinya tidak menertawai orang miskin.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
The rich should not laugh at the poor.
The rich should not to laugh at the poor.
The rich should not laugh to the poor.
The rich should laugh at the poor.
You must drink water to lose weight. = Anda harus minum air untuk menurunkan berat badan.
Must = Harus (saran atau perintah)
You must not drop litter in the street. = Anda tidak boleh membuang sampah di jalan.
must not = tidak boleh (saran atau perintah)
'Anda harus berhenti merokok. ' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
You must quit smoking.
You must quitted smoking.
You must quite smoking.
You must quits smoking.
'Anda tidak boleh tinggal sampai larut malam. ' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
You must not stayed till late.
You must not stay at late.
You must not to stay till late.
You must not stay till late.
You 'needn't go. = Anda tidak perlu pergi.
Needn't = Need not
'Need not' punya makna kebalikan dari 'must'.
You 'must go. = Anda harus pergi.
'Anda tidak perlu tergesa-gesa. Ada waktu yang cukup.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
You needn't to hurry. There is enough time.
You need to not hurry. There is enough time.
You needn't hurry. There is enough time.
You needn't early. There is enough time.
'Anda tidak perlu risau. Kami semua selamat.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
You need to worry. We all are safe.
You needn't worry. We all are safe.
You needn't worried. We all are safe.
You needn't to worry. We all are safely.
You need a lot of patience here. = Anda memerlukan banyak kesabaran di sini.
Jika Anda memerlukan sesuatu, gunakan \'need\'.
You need to work here. = Anda perlu bekerja di sini.
Apabila ada kata kerja sesudah 'need', gunakan 'to' dan bentuk kata kerja yang tidak berubah (infinitive).
'Saya perlu segelas air setelah makan malam.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
I need a glass of water after dinner.
I am need a glass of water after dinner.
I need a glass of water before dinner.
I need to a glass of water after dinner.
'Apakah mereka perlu menghadiri semua pekerjaan?' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
Do they need attend all the functions?
Do they needs to attend all the functions?
Do they need to attend all the functions?
Do they need to attended all the functions?
I have to go. = I have got to go.
'Got to' digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
Kita bisa menggunakan \'have got to\' untuk menggantikan\' have to\'.
I don't have to go. = I haven't got to go.
Get -> Got (Past Participle, British English)
Get -> Gotten (Past Participle, American English)
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