try Again
Lesson 177
'你不应该酒后开车。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
You should not drunk and drive.
You should not drink and drive.
You would not drink and drive.
You should not drink and drove.
'你应该把票投给你选择的政党。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
You ought vote for the party of your choice.
You ought to voted for the party of your choice.
You ought to vote for the party on your choice.
You ought to vote for the party of your choice.
'富人不应该嘲笑穷人。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
The rich should not laugh at the poor.
The rich should not to laugh at the poor.
The rich should not laugh to the poor.
The rich should laugh at the poor.
Suggestions, advice, instructions 可以通过另外的方法来表达,这节课我们将学习如何表达。
'你必须戒烟。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
You must quit smoking.
You must quitted smoking.
You must quite smoking.
You must quits smoking.
'你不能留到太晚。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
You must not stayed till late.
You must not stay at late.
You must not to stay till late.
You must not stay till late.
Needn't = Need not.
是 \'must\' 的反义词。

\'You 'must go \' 表示你必须要去。
\'You 'needn't go\' 表示不需要去的。
'你不需要这么匆忙,时间还够。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
You needn't to hurry. There is enough time.
You need to not hurry. There is enough time.
You needn't hurry. There is enough time.
You needn't early. There is enough time.
'你不需要担心,我们都安全。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
You need to worry. We all are safe.
You needn't worry. We all are safe.
You needn't worried. We all are safe.
You needn't to worry. We all are safely.
Need = 需要
You need a lot of patience to earn money. = 你需要很多的耐心来赚钱。
如果 \'need\' 后面没有动词那就不用加\' to\'。
用\'to\'是因为\'need\'后跟了 \'infinitive\'形式的动词。
'我在晚餐后需要喝一杯水。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
I need a glass of water after dinner.
I am need a glass of water after dinner.
I need a glass of water before dinner.
I need to a glass of water after dinner.
'他们需要参加所有的活动吗?' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
Do they need attend all the functions?
Do they needs to attend all the functions?
Do they need to attend all the functions?
Do they need to attended all the functions?
I have to go. = I have got to go.
'Got to'用于日常用语。可以用 \' have got to\' 代替\' have to\'。
I don't have to go. = I haven't got to go.