Penggunaan Second/Unreal conditional
try Again
Lesson 181
Penggunaan Second/Unreal conditional
If I did not have so much work, I would go out tonight. = Jika saya tiada banyak kerja untuk dibuat, saya akan keluar malam nanti.
Apabila sedang menjelaskan tentang keadaan yang kemungkinan besarnya tidak akan berlaku, maka hendaklah menggunakan 'second / unreal conditionals'.
Dalam ayat ini, penutur \'ada banyak kerja untuk dibuat\', adalah fakta yang amat ketara, kerana \'tiada banyak kerja untuk dibuat\' adalah keadaan yang berkemungkinan besarnya tidak akan berlaku.
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
If Siti ______
would know
If he wasn't so angry, I would talk to him. = Jika dia tidak begitu marah, saya akan bercakap dengan dia.
Apabila berbincang tentang senario sama ada dalam \'present\' atau \'future, hendaklah menggunakan 'second / unreal conditionals'.
\'Dia\' sedang marah, maka \'tidak begitu marah\' adalah suatu senario.
'Jika cuaca tidak begitu sejuk, saya akan bersiar-siar di hutan. ' Pilih terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
If it wasn't/weren't so cold, I would go for a walk in the woods.
If it wasn't/weren't so cold, I could go for a walk in the woods.
If it didn't so cold, I would go for a walk in the woods.
If it wasn't/weren't so cold, I will go for a walk in the woods.
'Jika terdapat kanak-kanak bermain di sini, maka tempat ini tidak akan begitu senyap. ' Pilih terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
If the kids were playing here, it wouldn't be so quite.
If the kids were playing here, it hadn't be so quiet.
If the kids are playing here, it wouldn't be so quiet.
If the kids were playing here, it wouldn't be so quiet.
'Jika pelajar-pelajar sedang belajar, maka sini akan sangat senyap. ' Pilih terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
If the students were studying, it would so quiet.
If the students was studying, it would be so quiet.
If the students were studying, it could be so quiet.
If the students were studying, it would be so quiet.
'Kami akan keluar, mana tahu jika ia tidak hujan. ' Pilih terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
We will go out, in case it doesn't rains.
We will go out, in case it doesn't rain.
We had go out, in case it doesn't rain.
We will go out, in case it don't rain.
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
We would buy some books, if we ______
'Jika saya ada baju baru saya akan memakainya ke parti itu.' Pilih terjemahan Inggeris yang betul.;
If I had new clothes, I would wear them to the party.
If I had new clothes, I would worn them to the party.
If I had new cloth, I would wear to the party.
If I have new clothes, I would wear to the party.
'Jika kami mempunyai komputer, kami akan dapat membuat ini dengan lebih cepat.' PIlih terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
If we have a computer, we could do this more quickly.
If we had a computer, we would do this more quickly.
If we had a computer, we could have done this more quickly.
If we had a computer, we could do this most quickly
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
I ______
would called
am call
would call
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
If I ______
did not have
do not have
did not had
did not has
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
If Syarifah had a map in the car, she ______
would not get lossed
would not get loss
would not get lose
would not get lost
Mereka tentu akan tangkap gambar jika mereka ada kamera.
    • a camera.
    • taken
    • if they had
    • They would have
    • some pictures,
    • if they have
    Kami tentu akan bermain tennis petang tadi, jika padang tennis tidak begitu basah.
    • if the court was
    • played tennis
    • not so wet.
    • this afternoon,
    • We would have
    • we can
    Jika saya ialah anda, saya tentu akan membeli kereta itu.
    • that car.
    • If
    • I would have
    • I were
    • bought
    • you
    Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.
    Jika saya telah memenangi pertandingan itu, ibu saya pasti akan sangat gembira.
    Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.
    Kami akan bermain jika ayahnya tidak datang.
    Perkataan seterusnya