Belajar cara menarasi kisah dari film favorit
try Again
Lesson 184
Belajar cara menarasi kisah dari film favorit
Dengarkan percakapan ini.
Hey! Have you seen any movie recently?
Hei! Apakah Anda menonton film belakangan ini?

Not recently. It was a month back, I saw 'Lincoln'.
Belakangan ini tidak. Sebulan lalu, saya menonton 'Lincoln'.

I missed that one. How was it?
Saya melewatkan film itu. Bagaimanakah filmnya?

It was good. As the Civil War continues to rage,
Abraham Lincoln struggles to abolish slavery in his country.
Bagus. Sementara perang saudara berkobar,
Abraham Lincoln berjuang untuk menghapus perbudakan di negaranya.

Wow! I like movies which are inspired by real life stories.
Wow! Saya sangat suka film yang terinspirasi dari kisah nyata.

'Apakah Anda menonton film belakangan ini?' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
Have you seen any movie recentally?
Have you seen any movie recent?
Have you seen any movie recently?
Have you seen any movie in recent?
Based on = Berdasarkan
Real-life incident = Kisah nyata
'Film itu berdasarkan kisah nyata.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
That movie is based on a real-life incident.
That movie is biased on a real-life incident.
That movie is base on a real-life incident.
That movie is basis on a real-life incident.
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
That movie is ______
inspiration by
inspired by
inspire by
inspired from
Dengarkan percakapan ini.
You are such a movie buff, how can you miss such an amazing movie?
Kamu penggemar film, kok bisa kamu melewatkan film sebagus ini?

I saw 'Love is Not Blind' instead. But that's not the kind of movie I enjoy.
Saat itu saya malah menonton 'Love is Not Blind'.
Tapi itu bukan jenis film yang saya nikmati.

So which is your favorite movie?
Jadi apa film kesukaanmu?

My favorite movie is Titanic.
FIlm kesukaan saya Titanic.

Tell me more about it.
Ceritakan kepada saya.

'Ice Age bukanlah jenis film yang saya nikmati.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
Ice Age is not the kind of film that I would enjoy.
Ice Age is not the kinds of film that I would enjoy.
Ice Age is not kind of film that I would enjoy.
Ice Age is not the kind of film who I would enjoy.
Yang manakah film kesukaanmu?
    • movie?
    • most
    • your
    • is
    • which
    • favorite
    'Cerita ini adalah mengenai seorang pemuda dan seorang pemudi. ' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    This storey is about a young man and a young woman.
    This story is about a young man and a young woman.
    This story is for a young man and a young woman.
    This story is by a young man and a young woman.
    'Mereka berdua adalah keturunan orang Amerika.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    Both of them are of American decent.
    Both of them are of American descent.
    Both of them are of American descendant.
    Both of them are of on American decent.
    Born = Dilahirkan

    He was born in America. = Dia dilahirkan di Amerika.
    Raised = Dibesarkan

    He was born and raised in America. = Dia dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di Amerika.
    'Film ini adalah cerita rekaan berdasarkan tenggelamnya RMS Titanic.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    The movie is frictional depiction of the sinking of the RMS Titanic.
    The movie is functional depiction of the sinking of the RMS Titanic.
    The movie is fictional depiction of the sinking of the RMS Titanic.
    The movie is financial depiction of the sinking of the RMS Titanic.
    'Jack dan Rose saling bertemu di kapal Titanic' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    Jack and Rose meeted each other on the Ship, Titanic.
    Jack and Rose met each other on the Ship, Titanic.
    Jack and Rose meet each other on the Ship, Titanic.
    Jack and Rose meeting each other on the Ship, Titanic.
    Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
    Rose was ______
    'Cal Hockley tertarik kepada Rose karena kecantikan dan kekayaan keluarganya. ' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
    Cal Hockley was attracted to Rose because of her beauty and family fortune.
    Cal Hockley was attract to Rose because of her beauty and family fortune.
    'Ibu Rose yang memilih dia untuk Rose.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    It was her mother who picked him up for Rose
    It was her mother whose picked him up for Rose
    It was her mother who's picked him up for Rose
    It was her mother which picked him up for Rose
    'Empat hari sebelum 'kapal yang tidak akan tenggelam' terisi dengan air laut sedingin es, kisah cinta Jack dengan Rose dimulai.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    Four days before the unsinkable ship began to fill with ice cold sea water, Rose and Jack's love story began.
    Four days before the unsunkable ship began to fill with ice cold sea water, Rose and Jack's love story began
    Four days before the unshrinkable ship began to fill with ice cold sea water, Rose and Jack's love story began
    Four days before the unhrunkable ship began to fill with ice cold sea water, Rose and Jack's love story began
    'Rose meminta Jack untuk melukis dirinya sedang memakai berlian terlangka, Heart of the Ocean.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    Rose asked Jack to draw her wearing the rarest diamond, the Heart of the Ocean.
    Rose asked Jack to draw her wearing the rearest diamond, the Heart of the Ocean
    Rose asked Jack to draw her wearing the rarely diamond, the Heart of the Ocean
    Rose asked Jack to draw her wearing the rare diamond, the Heart of the Ocean
    'Kisah cinta mereka berisi hal-hal menyenangkan.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
    Their love story was fun fulled.
    Their love story was fun filled.
    Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
    Cal ______
    Titanic bertubrukan dengan gunung es yang besar dan mulai tenggelam.
    • collides with
    • The titanic
    • then
    • a large iceberg
    • to sink
    • and begins
    Run around = Mengelak/Menghindari

    Run away = Melarikan diri (dari suatu tempat/orang/keadaan)

    Run away with = Berpikir/berkhayal terlalu jauh
    'Rose masih mencari Jack untuk melarikan diri dari Cal bahkan ketika kapal sedang tenggelam.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    Rose found Jack to run away from Cal even as the ship sinks.
    Rose find Jack to run away from Cal even as the ship sinks.
    Rose founds Jack to run away from Cal even as the ship sinks.
    Rose finds Jack to run away from Cal even as the ship sinks.
    'Jack dan Rose bertarung melawan kematian dalam air laut yang sedingin es.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
    Jack and Rose fought death from the freezing sea water.
    Jack and Rose fight death from the freezing sea water.
    'Jack mati ketika sedang menunggu kapal penyelamat.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
    Jack died awaiting a rescue ship.
    Jack dies awaiting a rescue ship.
    genre genre/jenis
    action aksi
    drama drama
    suspense suspens
    romance kisah cinta
    comedy komedi
    thriller ketegangan
    crime kejahatan
    horror horor
    Director = Sutradara

    Character = Tokoh/Karakter

    Character X is played by = Tokoh X diperankan oleh.
    Dengarkan percakapan ini.
    Who are the lead actors in the movie?
    Siapa pemeran utama film ini?

    The character of Rose is played by Kate Winslet and Jack by Leonardo DiCaprio.
    Tokoh Rose dimainkan oleh Kate Winslet sementara Jack oleh Leonardo DiCaprio.

    Who is the director of Titanic?
    Siapa sutradara Titanic?

    The director is James Cameron.
    Sutradaranya adalah James Cameron.

    'Siapa sutradara film ini?' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    Who is the director of this movie?
    Who is the direction of this movie?
    Who is the direct of this movie?
    Who is the directs of this movie?
    This story is about a young man and a young woman. Both of them are of American decent.
    Cerita ini adalah mengenai seorang pemuda dang seorang pemudi. Mereka berdua adalah keturunan orang Amerika.
    Jack and Rose met each other on the Ship, Titanic.
    Jack dan Rose saling bertemu di kapal Titanic.
    Rose was supposed to marry a fine gentlemen Cal Hockley.
    Rose diharapkan untuk menikahi seorang bangsawan tampan Cal Hockley.
    Cal Hockley was attracted to Rose because of her beauty and family fortune.
    Cal Hockley tertarik dengan Rose, disebabkan kecantikannya dan kekayaan keluarganya.
    It was her mother who picked him up for Rose.
    Ibu Rose yang memilih dia untuk Rose.
    Four days before the unsinkable ship began to fill with ice cold sea water, Rose and Jack's love story began.
    Empat hari sebelum 'kapal yang tidak akan tenggelam' terisi dengan air laut sedingin es, kisah cinta Jack dengan Rose dimulai.
    Rose asked Jack to draw her wearing the rarest diamond, the Heart of the Ocean.
    Rose meminta Jack untuk melukis dirinya sedang memakai berlian terlangka, Heart of the Ocean.
    The Titanic then collides with a large iceberg and begins to sink. Rose finds Jack to run away from Cal even as the ship sinks. Jack and Rose fight death from the freezing sea water. Jack dies awaiting a rescue ship.
    Titanic bertubrukan dengan gunung es yang besar dan mulai tenggelam. Rose masih mencari Jack untuk melarikan diri dari Cal bahkan ketika kapal sedang tenggelam. Jack dan Rose bertarung melawan kematian dalam air laut yang sedingin es. Jack mati ketika sedang menunggu kapal penyelamat.
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