Simple past vs. past perfect
try Again
Lesson 186
Simple past vs. past perfect
I was hungry because I had skipped breakfast = म भोको थिए किनभने मैले नाश्ता खाएको थिइन.
Activity 1: I had skipped breakfast - तपाईले नाश्ता गर्नु भएको थिएन.
Activity 2: I was hungry - तपाई भोको हुनुहुन्थ्यो.
Activity 2 पछी भयो, तपाईंले पहिले नाश्ता खानुभएन, त्यसैले पछी तपाई भोको हुनु भयो.
जुन activity पहिले भएको थियो त्यो Past perfect tense मा दर्शाइन्छ र जुन पछी भयो त्यो Simple past मा दर्शाइन्छ.
मिसिंग शब्द चुनेर रिक्त स्थान भर्नुहोस्.
The train had already left when we ______
had arrived
have arrived
जब उसको फोन आयो, मैले खाना खाइसकेको थिए.
    • callen
    • I had already
    • called
    • ate my dinner
    • eaten my dinner
    • when he
    'उसले सुझाव दिनु अगाडि मैले गोवा जाने बारे सोचेको थिइन. ' को अंग्रेज़ी मा अनुवादको चयन गर्नुहोस्.;
    I hadn't thought of going to Goa before she suggested it.
    I did not think of going to Goa before she had suggested it.
    I did not thought of going to Goa before she had suggested it.
    I haven't thought of going to Goa before she suggested it.
    मिसिंग शब्द चुनेर रिक्त स्थान भर्नुहोस्.
    We ______
    had started
    have started
    were start
    मिसिंग शब्द चुनेर रिक्त स्थान भर्नुहोस्
    When I came back, I saw that someone ______
    had stolen
    had stole
    मिसिंग शब्द चुनेर रिक्त स्थान भर्नुहोस्.
    I was very hungry because I ______
    did not eat
    haven't eaten
    hadn't eaten
    hadn't ate
    मिसिंग शब्द चुनकर रिक्त स्थान भरिये.
    I ______
    was upset
    had upset
    was upsetted
    have upset
    उनीहरुले डीवीडी फिर्ता गरी सकेका थिए त्यसैले हामी उधारो लिन सकेनौं.
    • they had
    • so we couldn't
    • the DVD,
    • returned
    • borrowed it
    • borrow it.
    उहाँले आफ्नो सबै पैसा गुमाउनु भयो त्यसैले उहाँले घर किन्न सक्नु भएन.
    • He had losen
    • couldn't
    • buy a house.
    • all his money
    • He had lost
    • that's why he
    मिसिंग शब्द चुनेर रिक्त स्थान भर्नुहोस्.
    He had finished all the work, that's why he ______
    could had relaxed
    could relax
    could relaxed
    had relax
    मिसिंग शब्द चुनेर रिक्त स्थान भर्नुहोस्
    The girls were upset because they ______
    had lost
    had loosed
    had losted
    were lost
    उनी आत्तेकी थिइन किनभने उनीले इंटरव्यू को तयारी गरेकी थिइनन्.
    • for the interview.
    • He was tensed
    • he did not prepare
    • he hadn't prepared
    • He had tensed
    • because
    उनी खुशी थिइन किनभने उसले परीक्षा पास गरेकी थिइन.
    • she had happy
    • she was happy
    • because she
    • was cleared
    • had cleared
    • the exam.
    मिसिंग शब्द चुनेर रिक्त स्थान भर्नुहोस्
    She could not ______
    अर्को शब्द