Conversación sobre comida (3)
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Lesson 194
Conversación sobre comida (3)
delicious delicioso
spicy apimentado
bitter amargo
sweet doce
salty salgado
sour azedo
bland sem gosto
'Su chef hace una comida italiana deliciosa.' Seleccione la traducción correcta en inglés.;
Their chef makes delicious Italian food.
There chef makes delicious Italian food.
Their chaf makes delicious Italian food.
Their chafe makes delicious Italian food.
'Todos los platos de su restaurante tienen un sabor amargo.' Seleccione la traducción correcta en inglés.;
All the dishes in their restaurant taste sour.
All the dishes in their restaurant taste bitter.
All the dishes in their restaurant are taste bitter.
All the dishes in their restaurant taste better.
Seleccione la palabra ausente y complete el espacio en blanco.
That rice is not spicy, it is ______
preserved food. Alimento Preservado. Alimento preservado com a mistura de certas substâncias para proteger de estragar.
frozen food. Alimento Congelado. Alimento conservado com temperatura muito baixa para proteger de estragar.
tinned/canned food. Alimento Enlatado. Alimento colocado em uma caixa de lata para proteger de estragar.
Seleccione la palabra ausente y complete el espacio en blanco.
Don't eat that jam, it has a lot of ______
'Los alimentos congelados no son saludables.' Seleccione la traducción correcta en inglés.;
Frozen food is unhealthy.
Freezed food is unhealthy.
Freeze food is unhealthy.
Freezy good is unhealthy.
Seleccione la palabra ausente y complete el espacio en blanco.
He couldn't prepare anything so he bought some ______
Escuche la conversación.
Ivan eats a lot of preserved food.
Ivan come mucho alimento en conserva.

Yes, he eats a lot of canned food.
Si, él come mucha comida enlatada.

over-cooked muito cozido/bem passado
under-cooked mal passado/ pouco cozido
perfectly cooked perfeitamente cozido
burnt queimada/o
'Si quieres entrar en Masterchef, tu comida debe estar cocinada perfectamente.' Seleccione la traducción correcta en inglés.;
If you want to get into Masterchef then your food should be perfectly cooked.
If you want to get into Masterchef then your food should be under-cooked.
If you want to get into Masterchef then your food should be over-cooked.
If you want to get into Masterchef then your food should be burnt.
'Si la comida está poco o demasiado hecha, puede ser prejudicial para la salud.' Seleccione la traducción correcta en inglés.;
If the food is under or over cooked, it can be harmful for health.
If the food is under or over cooked, it can be harmfull for health.
If the food is under or over cooked, it can be harmfully for health.
If the food are under or over cooked, it can be harmful for health.
Seleccione la palabra ausente y complete el espacio en blanco.
When I pre-heat the oven, my dishes usually get ______
'Tu tendrás que ser paciente si quieres preparar comida cocinada perfectamente.' Seleccione la traducción correcta en inglés.;
You will have to be patient if you want to prepare perfectly cooked food.
You will have to be patient if you want to prepare perfect cooked food.
You will have to be patience if you want to prepare perfectly cooked food.
You will have patient if you want to prepare perfectly cooked food.
Escuche la conversación.
Did you bring anything for the party?
¿Tu trajiste algo para la fiesta?

Yes, I brought some chicken but it is not edible.
Si, yo traje pollo pero no está comestible.

What do you mean?
¿Qué quieres decir?

It is under-cooked.
Está poco cocinado.

Seleccione la palabra ausente y complete el espacio en blanco.
The food here is so oily. It is barely ______
stale velho
mouldy mofado/bolorento
rotten estragada/o/podre
pungent pungente / gosto ou cheiro estranho ou mais forte
'¿Cómo esta el tomate? ¿Fresco o pasado?' Seleccione la palabra ausente y complete el espacio en blanco.;
How is that tomato? Fresh or stale?
How is that tomato? Freshly or stalely?
How is that tomato? Latest or old?
How is that tomato? Freshness or stale?
Esos chocolates se han puesto mohosos.
    • chocolates
    • rotten
    • have
    • mouldy.
    • those
    • become
    ¿Cómo sabe este plato?
    • tasty?
    • dish
    • does
    • this
    • how
    • taste?
    'Huele este pan y dime si es viejo o no.' Seleccione la traducción correcta en inglés.;
    Smell this bread and tell me whether it's stale or not?
    Smell this bread and tell me whether it's steal or not?
    Smell this bread and tell me whether it's steel or not?
    Smell this bread and tell me whether it's stay or not?
    Siguiente palabra