Latihan pembentukan kosa kata
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Lesson 198
Latihan pembentukan kosa kata
Musical instrument = Alat musik
Flute = Seruling
Guitar = Gitar
Violin = Biola
The school has a lot of musical instruments, including flutes, guitars, and violins. = Sekolah itu punya banyak alat musik, termasuk seruling, gitar, dan biola.
Mei Ling bermain seruling.
    • flute
    • Mei Ling
    • plays
    • the
    • play
    • are playing
    I play the guitar. = Saya bermain gitar.
    Sebelum nama alat musik, gunakan artikel \'the\'.
    She doesn't know how to play the piano. = Dia tidak tahu cara bermain piano.
    'Idris Sardi adalah musisi klasik yang melegenda dan dihormati. ' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    Idris Sardi was a legendary and esteemed classical musician.
    Idris Sardi was a legend and esteemed classical musician.
    Idris Sardi was a legendary and estimation classical musician.
    Idris Sardi was a legendary and esteem classical musician.
    'Gilang adalah pemain drum yang paling terkenal di Indonesia.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    Gilang is the more famous drum player of Indonesia.
    Gilang is a famous drum player of Indonesia.
    Gilang is the most famous drum player of Indonesia.
    Gilang is the most fame drum player of Indonesia.
    Dia bermain gitar. = He plays the guitar.
    Play = Bermain (termasuk alat musik)
    He plays the drum. = Dia bermain drum.
    'Addie MS adalah pemusik kelas dunia.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    Addie MS is a world-class music.
    Addie MS is a world-class musician.
    Addie MS is a world-over musician.
    Addie MS is a world-class musical.
    'Anto Hoed dianggap sebagai penggubah musik yang terhebat di industri perfilman Indonesia.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    Anto Hoed is considered to be the greatest music composer of the Indonesia film industry.
    Anto Hoed is considered to be the greatest music compose of the Indonesia film industry.
    Anto Hoed is considered to be the greatest music compost of the Indonesia film industry.
    Anto Hoed is considered to be the greatest music composed of the Indonesia film industry.
    Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
    Clarissa Tamara is a highly talented Indonesian ______
    Chrisye dikenali sebagai pemusik terhebat sepanjang masa di Indonesia hingga saat ini.
    • Chrisye is known
    • of all musicians in
    • Chrisye knew
    • as the greatest
    • as the most
    • Indonesia till date
    'Ari dan Anto ialah dua orang penulis lirik dan penyair yang terkenal. ' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    Ari and Anto are renowned lyricysts and poets.
    Ari and Anto are reknowned lyricists and poets.
    Ari and Anto are renowned lyricists and poets.
    Ari and Anto are renouned lyricists and poets.
    Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
    I know the ______
    Saya bermain gitar dengan baik.
    • I play
    • I plays
    • well
    • these
    • the
    • guitar
    Teman saya tahu bagaimana untuk bermain drum.
    • drums
    • is know
    • play the
    • knows
    • how to
    • my friend
    Compose = Menggubah
    Music is always 'composed' and lyrics are always 'written'. = Musik selalu 'digubah', sementara lirik selalu 'ditulis'.
    Write = Menulis
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