Reported speech: Yes, no questions
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Lesson 199
Reported speech: Yes, no questions
‏Are you a teacher‎?‎she asked me = هل أنتا معالم ? هي سألتني
عندما ننقل كلام الشخص المذكور يقال عنه Direct speech
She asked me if I was a teacher. =
عندما ننقل كلام شخص في غير ألفاظه يقال Reported speech
هل يتكلمون اللغة الإنجليزية ? سألت نها. =
‏Nuha asked if they could speak English‎.‎ =
‏لنقل الأسئلة التي تحتمل الإجابة بنعم أو لا نستخدم
‏1) نستخدم reporting verb مثل : Asked و
‏2) نستخدم بعدها ‎'if/whether'‎ . و
‏3) في أي زمن كان السؤال عندما ننقله نحول الفعل إلى ماضي can -> could
'‏Is she Yemeni‎?‎ he asked me' ‏إخترْ الخطاب التقريري الصحيح
He asked me if she was Yemeni.
He asked me is she Yemeni.
'‏‎Do you like Ali ?‎ he asked me‎' ‏إخترْ الخطاب التقريري الصحيح
He asked me if you liked Ali
He asked me if I liked Ali
'‏Do you think they will like my present‎?‎ Shazia asked me' ‏إخترْ الخطاب التقريري الصحيح.
Shazia asked me if I thought they would like her present.
Shazia asked me if I thought they will like her present.
'‏Is he happy with the decision‎?‎ they asked me' إخترْ الخطاب التقريري الصحيح
They asked me if was he happy with the decision.
They asked me if he was happy with the decision.
'‏I have been ill‎,‎ she said' إخترْ الخطاب التقريري الصحيح
She said that she had be ill.
She said that she had been ill.
'‏Are you single‎?‎ she asked me' إخترْ الخطاب التقريري الصحيح
She asked me was I single.
She asked me if I was single.
'‏Do you have children‎?‎ he asked me' إخترْ الخطاب التقريري الصحيح
He asked me if I had children.
He asked me if I have children.
'‏Is it raining‎?‎ he asked me' إخترْ الخطاب التقريري الصحيح
He asked me was it raining.
He asked me if it was raining.
'‏Are you new here‎?‎ she asked me' إخترْ الخطاب التقريري الصحيح
She asked me if you were new there.
She asked me if I was new there.
‏Is it cold here‎?‎ Noha asked =
‏Here = هنا عندما حدث هذا الفعل كان المتكلم والمتحدث في المكان نفسه
‏Noha asked if it was cold there‎.‎ =
لكن عندما تنقل الكلام هذا إلى شخص آخر أنت لم تعد في ذلك المكان لذلك نحول here إلى there
'Will you talk to her? she asked me' إخترْ الخطاب التقريري الصحيح
She asked me if I will talk to her.
She asked me if I would talk to her.
'Can Sami help me‎?‎ she asked' إخترْ الخطاب التقريري الصحيح
She asked if Sami could help her.
She asked if Sami could help me.
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