Second/Unreal conditional
try Again
Lesson 200
Second/Unreal conditional
If I did not have so much work, I would go out tonight. = Si no tuviera tanto trabajo, saldría esta noche.
Para hablar de algo que no tiene posibilidad de suceder, usamos el 'segundo condicional'.
En este caso, no hay posibilidad de salir ya que no se puede hacer nada para cambiar el hecho de que se tiene mucho trabajo.
Seleccione la palabra ausente y complete el espacio en blanco.
If Valentina ______
would know
If he wasn't so angry, I would talk to him. = Si él no estuviera tan enojado, hablaría con él.
Para hablar de eventos irreales en el presente o en el pasado, también se usa el 'segundo condicional'.
Él esta enojado. Por eso, la condición de 'no estar enojado' no es real.
'Si no hiciera tanto frío, iría a dar un paseo en el bosque.' Seleccione la traducción correcta en inglés.;
If it wasn't/weren't so cold, I would go for a walk in the woods.
If it wasn't/weren't so cold, I could go for a walk in the woods.
If it didn't so cold, I would go for a walk in the woods.
If it wasn't/weren't so cold, I will go for a walk in the woods.
'Si los niños estuviesen jugando aquí, no estaría tan tranquilo.' Seleccione la traducción correcta en inglés.;
If the kids were playing here, it wouldn't be so quite.
If the kids were playing here, it hadn't be so quiet.
If the kids are playing here, it wouldn't be so quiet.
If the kids were playing here, it wouldn't be so quiet.
'Si los estudiantes estuviesen estudiando, estaría tan silencioso.' Seleccione la traducción correcta en inglés.;
If the students were studying, it would so quiet.
If the students was studying, it would be so quiet.
If the students were studying, it could be so quiet.
If the students were studying, it would be so quiet.
'Saldremos, en caso de que no llueva.' Seleccione la traducción correcta en inglés.;
We will go out, in case it doesn't rains.
We will go out, in case it doesn't rain.
We had go out, in case it doesn't rain.
We will go out, in case it don't rain.
Seleccione la palabra ausente y complete el espacio en blanco.
We would buy some books, if we ______
'Si tuviese ropa nueva, la llevaría a la fiesta.' Seleccione la traducción correcta en inglés.;
If I had new clothes, I would wear them to the party.
If I had new clothes, I would worn them to the party.
If I had new cloth, I would wear to the party.
If I have new clothes, I would wear to the party.
'Si tuviésemos una computadora, podríamos haber hecho esto más rápidamente.' Seleccione la traducción correcta en inglés.;
If we have a computer, we could do this more quickly.
If we had a computer, we would do this more quickly.
If we had a computer, we could have done this more quickly.
If we had a computer, we could do this most quickly
Seleccione la palabra ausente y complete el espacio en blanco.
I ______
would called
am call
would call
Seleccione la palabra ausente y complete el espacio en blanco.
If I ______
did not have
do not have
did not had
did not has
Seleccione la palabra ausente y complete el espacio en blanco.
If Juan had a map in the car, she ______
would not get lossed
would not get loss
would not get lose
would not get lost
Ellos habrían tomado algunas fotografías, si tuviesen una cámara.
    • a camera.
    • taken
    • if they had
    • They would have
    • some pictures,
    • if they have
    Habríamos jugado al tenis esta tarde, si la cancha no estuviese tan mojada.
    • if the court was
    • played tennis
    • not so wet.
    • this afternoon,
    • We would have
    • we can
    Si fuese tú, habría comprado el coche.
    • that car.
    • If
    • I would have
    • I were
    • bought
    • you
    Si hubiese ganado el partido, mi madre estaría contenta.
    Nosotros jugaremos, en caso de que tu padre no venga.
    Siguiente palabra