Kalimat berita - Latihan tenses
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Lesson 201
Kalimat berita - Latihan tenses
She said, \'I like ice-cream.\' = Dia pernah berkata, \'Saya suka makan es krim.\'
Kalimat di atas adalah \'direct speech\' (kalimat langsung).

Apabila kita mengulang ucapan orang lain, bagian ucapan itu diapit oleh tanda petik.
She said (that) she liked ice-cream. = Dia pernah berkata bahwa dia suka makan es krim.
Kalimat kedua adalah \'reported speech\' (kalimat berita/kalimat tidak langsung).

Saat mengolah ucapan orang lain menjadi kalimat berita, gunakan bentuk orang ketiga (he/she) untuk menggantikan bentuk orang pertama (I).

I -> he/she
I said, 'I am the best student of the class'. = Saya pernah berkata, \'Saya pelajar terbaik di kelas.\'
I said (that) I was the best student of the class. = Saya pernah berkata bahwa saya pelajar terbaik di kelas.
Apabila kita mengulang percakapan diri sendiri, 'I' dipertahankan di dalam kalimat berita.
She told Siti, \'You are pretty\' = Dia pernah memberi tahu Siti, \'Kamu cantik.\'
She told Siti that she was pretty. = Dia pernah memberi tahu Siti bahwa Siti amat cantik.
'You' berubah menjadi 'she', karena 'you' berarti 'Siti'.

'Siti' adalah satu orang perempuan, jadi 'Siti' dapat digantikan dengan 'she'.
Ahmad said, \'I work in Surabaya.\' = Ahmad pernah berkata, \'Saya bekerja di Surabaya.\'
Ahmad said (Simple Past Tense)
\'I work in Surabaya.\' (Simple Present Tense)
Ahmad said (that) he worked in Surabaya. = Ahmad pernah berkata bahwa dia bekerja di Surabaya.
Ahmad said (Simple Past Tense)
he worked in Surabaya. (Simple Past Tense)

Saat mengubah kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung, sesuaikan Tense (bentuk kala) dalam kalimat.

\'I work in Surabaya\' (Simple Present Tense) -> he worked in Surabaya (Simple Past Tense)

Simple Present Tense pada ucapan (di dalam tanda kutip) diubah menjadi Tense yang sama dengan bagian 'seseorang berkata' atau yang setara dengan itu.
''I boil the water before drinking,' he said.' Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.;
He said that he is boiling the water before drinking.
He said that he boiled the water before drinking.
He said that he boil the water before drinking.
He said that he was boiled the water before drinking.
''I always drink coffee', she said.' Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.;
She said that she always drank coffee.
She said that she always drink coffee.
She said that she always drunk coffee.
She said that she always dranked coffee.
\'I work in Malaysia,\' he told.
Pada kalimat langsung di atas, 'told' dalam 'he told' adalah 'reporting verb', yaitu kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan berita.

Saat mengubah kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung, Tense pada bagian di dalam tanda petik diubah berdasarkan Tense yang digunakan oleh 'reporting verb'.
\'I work in Malaysia,\' he told.
He told me that he worked in Malaysia.
\'I work in Malaysia,\' (Simple Present Tense) he told. (Simple Past Tense)
He told me (Simple Past Tense) that he worked in Malaysia (Simple Past Tense)

He says, \'I am going to the park.\'
He says that he is going to the park.
He says, (Simple Present Tense) \'I am going to the park.\' (Present Continuous Tense)
He says (Simple Present Tense) that he is going to the park. (Present Continuous Tense)

He said, \'I am going to the park.\'
He said that he was going to the park.
He said, (Simple Past Tense) \'I am going to the park.\' (Present Continuous Tense)
He said (Simple Past Tense) that he was going to the park. (Past Continuous Tense)

He said to me, \'I am going to the park.\'
He said that he was going to the park.
He said to me, (Simple Past Tense) \'I am going to the park.\' (Present Continuous Tense)
He said (Simple Past Tense) that he was going to the park. (Past Continuous Tense)

He said to me, (Simple Past Tense) \'I am going to the park.\' (Present Continuous Tense)
He told me that he was going to the park.
He said to me, (Simple Past Tense) \'I am going to the park.\' (Present Continuous Tense)
He told me (Simple Past Tense) that he was going to the park. (Past Continuous Tense)
''I am reading a book,' he explained.' Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.;
He explained that he was reads a book.
He explained that he was readed a book.
He explained that he was reading a book.
He explained that he was read a book.
''I am brushing my teeth,' he said.' Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.;
He said that he was brush his teeth.
He said that he was brushes his teeth.
He said that he was brushed his teeth.
He said that he was brushing his teeth.
''Fatin arrived on Monday,' he said.' Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.;
He said that Fatin had arrived on Monday.
He said that Fatin had arrives on Monday.
He said that Fatin had arriving on Monday.
He said that Fatin had arrive on Monday.
''Ahmad borrowed my pen,' she said.' Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.;
She said that Ahmad had borrowed her pen.
She said that Ahmad had borrows her pen.
She said that Ahmad had borrow her pen.
She said that Ahmad had borrowing her pen.
'\'I have been to the fruit market\', he said.' Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.
He said that he had been to the fruit market.
He said that he been to the fruit market.
''I have just turned out the light,' she explained.' Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.;
She explained that she is turned out the light.
She explained that she has just turned out the light.
She explained that she will turned out the light.
She explained that she had just turned out the light.
'\'We have gone out for lunch\', he said.' Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.
He said that they had gone out for lunch.
He said that they is gone out for lunch.
''We have been watching the TV since morning,' he exclaimed.' Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.
He exclaimed that they had been wotching the TV since morning.
He exclaimed that they had been watching the TV since morning.
'\'We have been sleeping for hours\', he said.' Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.
He said that they are sleeping for hours.
He said that they had been sleeping for hours.
Mereka memberi tahu saya bahwa mereka telah tidur pada waktu siang.
    • sleeping in the day
    • that they being
    • sleeps in the day
    • that they had been
    • that they were been
    • They told me
    Mereka pernah memberi tahu saya bahwa mereka sudah sejak dulu tinggal di Jakarta.
    • They tells me that
    • they were been
    • they had been
    • lives in Jakarta
    • living in Jakarta
    • They told me that
    Dia pernah berkata bahwa dia akan berada di Pontianak pada hari Minggu.
    • on Sunday
    • he would be
    • He said that
    • at Sunday
    • in Pontianak
    • will be
    Dia pernah berkata bahwa dia akan berjumpa dengan Yosi pada hari Jumat minggu depan.
    • to meet Yosi
    • to meets Yosi
    • he said that
    • next Friday
    • he will go
    • he goes
    'Apabila mengubah direct speech menjadi reported speech'^~^'typefacestyle'
    Direct Speech Reported Speech
    Simple Present Tense Simple Past Tense
    Present Continuous Tense Past Continuous Tense
    Simple Past Tense Past Perfect Tense
    Present Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense
    Past Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense
    Present Future Tense Present Conditional Tense
    Present Future Continuous tense Present Conditional Continuous tense
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