Reported speech: Practice of tenses
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Lesson 201
Reported speech: Practice of tenses
‏She said‎,‎ I like ice-cream = هي قالت أنا أحب الآيس كريم
‏هذه الجملة تنقل direct speech - في هذه الجملة نقلنا كلام شخص ما وهو المتحدث بإستخدام نفس ألفاظه
‏ولأن المتحدث يستخدم I للتحدث عن نفسه فعندما نقوم بنقل كلامه بإستخدام كلماته فإننا نستخدم ال I في الجملة
‏ولأننا قمنا بنقل الكلام بطريقه مباشرة فأننا نضعه بين علامات التنصيص ‎\'inverted commas\'‎
‏She said that she liked ice-cream = هي قالت إنها أحبت الآيس كريم
هذا كلام منقول reported speech- نحن نقوم هنا بنقل كلام المتحدث بإستخدام كلماتنا وألفاظنا وهنا المتحدث she هو شخص آخر فعندما ننقل كلامه نذكر فى البداية she
‏I said‎,‎ I am the best student of the class = أنا قلت \'أنا أقضل طالب في الصف\'

‏I said that I was the best student of the class
= أنا قلت أنني كنت أفضل طالب في الصف

‏هنا قمت بنقل كلامك بنفسك
‏ هنا المتحدث هو أنت لذلك نستخدم I ولا نقوم بإستبدالها بضمير أخر إذاً ال Personal pronoun فى هذة الجملة I لأنك تتحدث عن نفسك
‏She told Noha‎,‎ ‎\'You are pretty\'‎ = هي قالت لنهى \'أنت جميلة\'
لأن الجملة هنا Direct speech و قمنا بنقل كلام المتحدث بإستخدام كلماته
‏She told Noha that she was pretty = هي فالت لنهى أنها جميلة

‏هنا قمنا بتحويل ال You إلى She لأنه عند نقل الكلام كانت Noha شخص آخر بالنسبة لك
‏ هنا في الكلام المنقول نهى لا تحدثه مباشرة
‏Omar said‎,‎ ‎\'I work in KSA\'‎ = قال عمر \'أنا أعمل في السعودية\'
‏Direct Speech: Omar said‎,‎ \'I work in KSA‎.‎\'
‏Omar said that he worked in KSA = قال عمر أنه يعمل في السعودية
‏فيه Reported speech: يتم تحويل الفعل work إلى worked لان الفعل said في الماضي وعندما نحول direct speech إلى reported speech إذا كان الفعل said فإن الجملة تتحول إلى صيغة الماضى

‏ وفى بعض الأحيان لا يتغير زمن الجملة - وهذا يحدث عندما نتحدث عن حقيقة ما زالت مستمره لا تتغير مثال :
‏ The Sun is a star
'I boil the water before drinking, he said' إختر الجملة الصحيحة للخطاب الغير مباشر ;
He said that he is boiling the water before drinking
He said that he boiled the water before drinking
He said that he boil the water before drinking
He said that he was boiled the water before drinking
'I always drink coffee, she said' إختر الجملة المنقولة المناسبة;
She said that she always drank coffee
She said that she always drink coffee.
She said that she always drunk coffee
She said that she always dranked coffee
‏ عندما ننقل الكلام في Reported speech فأنه يتغير وفقاً لزمن ال reported verb
‏ says‎,‎ said‎,‎ told‎,‎ said to
‏E‎.‎g‎.‎ \'I work in KSA‎,‎\' he told‎.‎
‏He told me that he worked in KSA‎.‎

‏He says‎,‎ I am going to the park‎.‎
‏He says that he is going to the park‎.‎

‏He said‎,‎ I am going to the park‎.‎
‏He said that he was going to the park‎.‎

‏He said to me‎,‎ I am going to the park
‏He told me that he was going to the park
'I am reading a book, he explained' إختر الجملة المنقولة المناسبة;
He explained that he was reads a book
He explained that he was readed a book
He explained that he was reading a book
He explained that he was read a book
'I am brushing my teeth, he said' إختر الجملة المنقولة المناسبة;
He said that he was brush his teeth
He said that he was brushes his teeth
He said that he was brushed his teeth
He said that he was brushing his teeth
'Noha arrived on Monday, he said' إختر الجملة المنقولة المناسبة;
He said that Noha had arrived on Monday
He said that Noha had arrives on Monday
He said that Noha had arriving on Monday
He said that Noha had arrive on Monday
'Omar borrowed my pen she said' إختر الجملة المنقولة المناسبة;
She said that Omar had borrowed her pen.
She said that Omar had borrows her pen.
She said that Omar had borrow her pen.
She said that Omar had borrowing her pen.
'I have been to the fruit market, he said' إختر الجملة المنقولة المناسبة
He said that he had been to the fruit market
He said that he been to the fruit market
'I had just turned out the light, she explained' إختر الجملة المنقولة المناسبة;
She explained that she is turned out the light
She explained that she has just turned out the light
She explained that she will turned out the light
She explained that she had just turned out the light
'We had gone out for lunch, he said' إختر الجملة المنقولة المناسبة
He said that they had gone out for lunch
He said that they is gone out for lunch
'We have been watching the TV since morning, he exclaimed' إختر الجملة المنقولة المناسبة
He exclaimed that they had been wotching the TV since morning
He exclaimed that they had been watching the TV since morning
'We have been sleeping for hours, he said' إختر الجملة المنقولة المناسبة
He said that they are sleeping for hours
He said that they had been sleeping for hours
هم قالو لي أنهم كانو نائمين في النهار
    • sleeping in the day.
    • that they being
    • sleeps in the day
    • that they had been
    • that they were been
    • They told me
    هم قالوا لي أنهم كانو يعيشون في السعودية
    • They tells me that
    • they were been
    • they had been
    • lives in KSA
    • living in KSA
    • They told me that
    هو قال أنه سيكون في المدينة يوم الأحد
    • on Sunday
    • he would be
    • He said that
    • at Sunday
    • in El madena
    • will be
    هو قال أنه سوف يذهب لمقابلتها الجمعة المقبلة
    • to meet her
    • to meets her
    • he said that
    • next Friday
    • he will go
    • he goes
    'تتغيرtenses هكذا لما نبدل جمل الىReported Speech من Direct'^~^'typefacestyle'
    direct reported speech
    simple present tense simple past tense
    present continuous tense past continuous tense
    simple past tense past perfect tense
    present perfect tense past perfect tense
    past perfect tense past perfect tense
    future tense present conditional tense
    future continuous tense conditional continuous tense
    اللفظ الآتی