Cadangan dan pandangan : Should, Ought to
try Again
Lesson 213
Cadangan dan pandangan : Should, Ought to
She should quit smoking. = Dia patut berhenti merokok.
You ought to visit us on weekends. = Awak patutah melawati kami pada hujung minggu.
\'Should\' dan \'ought to\'digunakan untuk memberi cadangan untuk membuat sesuatu yang berfaedah atau betul.
'Mereka patut bermula untuk bergym. ' Pilihkan terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
They ought to start gymming.
They ought start gymming.
They ought to starts gymming.
They ought to starting gym.
You ought not to go alone. = Anda tidak patut pergi seorang diri.
You should not go alone. = Anda tidak patut pergi seorang diri.
\'Should, ought to\' boleh digunakan untuk memberi cadangan.
\'Ought + not + to\'= 'not' hendaklah diletakkan di tengah-tengah.
'Mereka tidak patut memberhentikan kereta di tempat laluan masuk. ' Pilihkan terjemahan Inggeris yang betul.;
They should not to park the car in front of the main entrance.
They should not park the car in front of the main entrance.
They could not park the car in front of the main entrance.
They might not park the car in front of the main entrance.
'Siti patut memberitahu kami lebih awal lagi. ' Pilihkan terjemahan Inggeris yang betul.;
Siti should told us earlier.
Siti should have to told us earlier.
Siti should have tell us earlier.
Siti should have told us earlier.
'Anda patut mendengar nasihat ayah anda.' Pilihkan terjemahan Inggeris yang betul.;
You ought to listen your father.
You ought to be listen to your father.
You ought to listen to your father.
You ought to listened your father.
I think I ought to leave now. = Saya rasa saya patut pergi dari sini sekarang.
Do you think we should leave now? = Adakah anda rasa kami patut pergi dari sini sekarang?
Dalam apa jua \'situation\', apabila memberi atau menerima sebarang cadangan hendaklah menggunakan \'should\' atau \'ought to\'
Ayat jenis ini biasanya akan bermula dengan \'I think\', \'I don't think\',\'do you think\'.
I should have cleaned the house. = Saya sepatutnya membersihkan rumah.
I ought to have bought her a gift. = Saya sepatutnya membeli hadiah untuk dia.
Jika sedang menjelaskan kesalahan pada masa lalu, hendaklah menggunakan \'should have/ought to have + past participle\'.
'Kami tidak sepatutnya membelanjakan banyak duit untuk membeli baju.' Pilihkan terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
We should not have spent that much on the clothes.
We should not has spent that much on the clothes.
We should not have spend that much on the clothes.
We could not have spent that much on the clothes.
'Saya sepatutnya balik rumah awal sikit. ' Pilihkan terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
I ought have come home earlier.
I ought to have came home earlier.
I ought to have come home earlier.
I ought to has come home earlier.
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
They ______
should had
should have
should to
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
We ______
should to
should have
ought to
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
He ______
should have study
should has studied
should have studied
should have studyed
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
I ______
should not to have had
should not has had
should not have have
should not have had
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
She ______
ought not have gone
ought not to have go
ought not to have gone
ought not to has gone
Mereka patut sampai tepat pada waktunya.
    • time.
    • should have
    • on
    • came
    • come
    • they
    Kami tidak patut melanggar peraturan jalan raya.
    • the traffic rules.
    • ought
    • to
    • we
    • have broken
    • not
    Mereka patut mengunyah makanan dengan baik-baik.
    • the food
    • chew
    • they
    • chewed
    • should
    • well.
    Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.
    Anda patut datang bersama dengan kami.
    Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.
    Kami patut balik rumah.
    Perkataan seterusnya