Reported speech: Practice of tenses
try Again
Lesson 220
Reported speech: Practice of tenses
She said, \'I like ice-cream\' =
Ela disse, \' Eu gosto de sorvete\'
Quando contamos exatamente o que alguém disse, usamos o estilo direto. O que a pessoa diz é colocado entre aspas (”...\') e será, palavra por palavra, o que a outra pessoa disse.
Por exemplo: She said, 'I like ice-cream’. - Ela disse, ‘Eu gosto de sorvete’. o
'I like ice-cream', She said. 'Eu gosto de sorvete’, ela disse.
She said (that) she liked ice-cream = Ela disse (que) gostava de sorvete.
No entanto, o estilo indireto, não utiliza aspas e não precisa ser palavra por palavra. Neste caso, usamos a conjunção \'que\'.
Quando usamos o estilo indireto, o tempo verbal geralmente muda, porque falamos de um tempo passado, uma vez que a conversa original ocorreu no passado. Por isso, os verbos devem também ser conjugados no passado.
O orador é 'she' (terceira pessoa), e repetimos o que disse, assim nos referimos a ela como ‘she'.
I said, 'I am the best student of the class' = Eu disse, 'Eu sou o melhor aluno da classe'
I said (that) I was the best student of the class = Eu disse que eu era o melhor aluno da classe.
Neste caso, você está dizendo algo que você disse. No estilo indireto, o pronome pessoal - ‘I’ ‘eu’ não muda para falar sobre algo que você mesmo disse.
She told Maria, \'you are pretty\' = Ela disse a Maria, \'você é bonita\'
Repetimos o que foi dito, uma vez que na primeira frase, o estilo direto, é usado.
She told Maria that she was pretty = Ela disse a Maria que ela era bonita.
Neste caso, ‘you' muda para ‘she’, porque no momento da narração, ‘Maria' está na terceira pessoa (ela). No estilo indireto, Maria deixa de ser a segunda pessoa (tu) porque não falamos diretamente com ela.
Ivan said, \'I work in Latin America.\' = Ivan disse, ”Eu trabalho na América Latina.\'
Estilo direto: Ivan said, \'I work in Latin America.”
Ivan said (that) he worked in Latin America = Ivan disse (que) trabalhava na América Latina.
Estilo indireto: Aqui, 'work' muda para ‘worked’, porque eu estou dizendo algo que me disseram no passado. Quando passamos do estilo direto para o estilo indireto, o verbo de narração (ex: said, disse) está no passado, por isso, o tempo do estilo indireto muda para o passado.

Às vezes, o tempo verbal não muda, como quando falamos de fatos ou verdades universais. (Ex: The Sun is a star. = O sol é uma estrela).
Escolha o estilo indireto, correto, da frase seguinte.
'He said that he boiled the water before drinking.'
He said that he is boiling the water before drinking.
He said that he boiled the water before drinking.
He said that he boil the water before drinking.
He said that he was boiled the water before drinking.
Escolha o estilo indireto correto da frase seguinte. 'She said that she always drank coffee.' ;
She said that she always drank coffee.
She said that she always drink coffee.
She said that she always drunk coffee.
She said that she always dranked coffee.
Ao mudar para o estilo indireto, o tempo verbal sempre muda em relação ao verbo narrativo (diz, disse, conta, contou).
Ex. \'I work in Colombia,\' he said.
He told me that he worked in Colombia.

He says, \'I am going to the park.\'
He says that he is going to the park.

He said, \'I am going to the park.\'
He said that he was going to the park.

He said to me, \'I am going to the park\'
He told me that he was going to the park.
Escolha o estilo indireto correto da frase seguinte. ''I am reading a book', he explained.' ;
He explained that he was reads a book.
He explained that he was readed a book.
He explained that he was reading a book.
He explained that he was read a book.
Escolha o estilo indireto correto da frase seguinte. ''I am brushing my teeth' he said.' ;
He said that he was brush his teeth.
He said that he was brushes his teeth.
He said that he was brushed his teeth.
He said that he was brushing his teeth.
Escolha o estilo indireto correto da frase seguinte. '\'Santiago arrived on Monday\', he said.' ;
He said that Santiago had arrived on Monday.
He said that Santiago had arrives on Monday.
He said that Santiago had arriving on Monday.
He said that Santiago had arrive on Monday.
Escolha o estilo indireto correto da frase seguinte. '\'Sofia borrowed my pen\', she said.' ;
She said that Sofia had borrowed her pen.
She said that Sofia had borrows her pen.
She said that Sofia had borrow her pen.
She said that Sofia had borrowing her pen.

Escolha o estilo indireto correto da frase seguinte.
''I have been to the fruit market', he said.'
He said that he had been to the fruit market.
He said that he been to the fruit market.
Escolha o estilo indireto correto da frase seguinte.
'\'I had just turned out the light\', she explained.'
She explained that she is turned out the light.
She explained that she has just turned out the light.
She explained that she will turned out the light.
She explained that she had just turned out the light.
Escolha o estilo indireto correto da frase seguinte.
'We had gone out for lunch, he said.'
He said that they had gone out for lunch.
He said that they is gone out for lunch.
Escolha o estilo indireto correto da frase seguinte.
'\'We have been watching the TV since morning\', he exclaimed.'
He exclaimed that they had been watch the TV since morning.
He exclaimed that they had been watching the TV since morning.
Escolha o estilo indireto correto da frase seguinte.
''We have been sleeping for hours', he said.'
He said that they are sleeping for hours.
He said that they had been sleeping for hours.
Eles me disseram que estiveram dormindo durante o dia.
    • sleeping in the day.
    • that they being
    • sleeps in the day.
    • that they had been
    • that they were been
    • They told me
    Eles me disseram que tinham vivido na Colômbia.
    • They tells me that
    • they were been
    • they had been
    • lives in Colombia.
    • living in Colombia.
    • They told me that
    Ele disse que estaria em Lima no domingo.
    • on Sunday.
    • he would be
    • He said that
    • at Sunday.
    • in Lima
    • will be
    Ele disse que vai encontrá-la na próxima sexta-feira.
    • to meet her
    • to meets her
    • he said that
    • next Friday.
    • he will go
    • he goes
    'Cambio de los tiempos verbales al pasar del estilo directo al indirecto.'^~^'typefacestyle'
    Direct Reported speech
    Simple present tense Simple past tense
    Present continuous tense Past continuous tense
    Simple past tense Past perfect tense
    Present perfect tense Past perfect tense
    Past perfect tense Past perfect tense
    Future tense Present conditional tense
    Future continuous tense Conditional continuous tense
    Próxima palavra