Passivo: Will / Shall
try Again
Lesson 222
Passivo: Will / Shall
Active: They will build a new bridge = Ativo: Eles vão construir uma nova ponte.
Passive: A new bridge will be built by them = Passivo: Uma ponte nova será construída por eles
Estrutura do futuro passivo:
Sujeito + will be + particípio passado.

Para formar o futuro passivo, usaremos 'shall / will' com ‘be' e o particípio passado do verbo.
Escolha a forma correta, para o passivo de:
'David will buy a new computer.'
A new computer will be bought by David.
A new computer will bought by David.
A new computer will be buy by David.
A new computer could be bought by David.
Escolha a forma correta, para o passivo de:
'Her boyfriend will install it.'
It will be install by her boyfriend.
It is be installed by her boyfriend.
It will be installed by her boyfriend.
It will installed by her boyfriend.
Escolha a forma correta, para o passivo de:
'Millions of people will visit the museum.'
The museum be visited by millions of people.
The museum will been visited by millions of people.
The museum will be visit by millions of people.
The museum will be visited by millions of people.
Escolha a forma correta, para o passivo de:
'Our boss will sign the contract.'
The contract will be sign by our boss.
The contract will be signature by our boss.
The contract will be signed by our boss.
The contract will being signed by our boss.
Escolha a forma correta, para o passivo de:
'You will not do it.'
It will not be done by you.
It will not be did by you.
It will not be doing by you.
It will be not done by you.
Escolha a opção apropriada, que se encaixa no espaço vazio.
The new film ______
will be not shown
will not be show
will not be shown
will not be shows
Escolha a opção apropriada, que se encaixa no espaço vazio.
He will not be ______
Escolha a opção apropriada, que se encaixa no espaço vazio.
The horses ______
will be
will been
will being
was been
Escolha a opção apropriada, que se encaixa no espaço vazio.
Those cookies ______
will be eat
will be eating
will be eaten
will been eaten
Escolha a opção apropriada, que se encaixa no espaço vazio.
He will be ______
Escolha a opção apropriada, que se encaixa no espaço vazio.
A party ______
will been
will be
Escolha a forma correta, para o passivo de:
'The next earthquake will destroy the city.'
The city will be destroyed by the next earthquake.
The city will be destroy by the next earthquake.
The city will destroyed by the next earthquake.
The city can be destroyed by the next earthquake.
Escolha a forma correta, para o passivo de:
'We will take the horses to the fields.'
The horses will be take to the fields by us.
The horses may be taken to the fields by us.
The horses will be taken to the fields by us.
The horses will been taken to the fields by us.
Escolha a forma correta, para o passivo de:n 'Somebody will mail the letters tomorrow.' ;
The letters will been mailed tomorrow by somebody.
The letters will mailed tomorrow by somebody.
The letters will be mail tomorrow by somebody.
The letters will be mailed tomorrow by somebody.
Escolha a forma correta, para o passivo de: 'Somebody will deliver the packets in the afternoon.' ;
The packets will been delivered in the afternoon by somebody.
The packets will be delivered in the afternoon by somebody.
The packets will delivered in the afternoon by somebody.
The packets will be delivering in the afternoon by somebody.
Escolha a forma correta, para o passivo de:
'Nobody will accept your form.'
Your form will not be accept by anybody.
Your form will not be accepted by anybody.
Your form could not be accepted by anybody.
Your form will not been accepted by anybody.
Traduzir para o inglês.
O CD deles será lançado no próximo mês.
Traduzir para o inglês.
Os sacos serão comprados por eles.
Próxima palavra