百年之后 - Future Perfect Tense
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Lesson 224
百年之后 - Future Perfect Tense
The world's population is increasing day by day.

Yes and by 2100, the world's population will have increased to around 30 Billion.

By the year 2100, the world's population will have increased to around 30 Billion = 到了2100年,世界人口将会增至大约三百亿。
当任何事情已经在将来的某段时间内被完成,Future perfect tense是会被使用的。
在\'Future perfect tense\'里,\'by\'和\'by then\'是时常会被使用的。
'到了2100年,世界人口将会增至大约三百亿。' 选择英语翻译;
By the year 2100, the world's population will be increase to around 30 Billion.
By the year 2100, the world's population have will increased to around 30 Billion.
By the year 2100, the world's population will have increased to around 30 Billion.
By the year 2100, the world's population is increasing to around 30 Billion.
Life ______
will have become
is become
has become
will has become
'到了2020年,电脑将取代了现在许多人做的工作。' 选择英语翻译;
By the year 2020, computers will taken over many of the jobs that people do today.
By the year 2020, computers have to be taken over many of the jobs that people do today.
By the year 2020, computers are taken over many of the jobs that people do today.
By the year 2020, computers will have taken over many of the jobs that people do today.
By the year 2020, computers will have taken over many of the jobs that people do today.

Life will have become more automated by then.

By the year 2030, the Earth's supplies of oil, coal, and gas ______
have been run out
will have run out
has run out
will have ran out
'在2030年,科学家会否寻找到能源的另外来源呢?' 选择英语翻译;
Will scientists have found other sources of energy by the year 2030?
Will scientists are found other sources of energy by the year 2030?
Will scientists have find other sources of energy by the year 2030?
Have scientists found other sources of energy by the year 2030?
Will scientists have found other sources of energy by the year 2030?

Why do you ask that?

Because by that time, the Earth's supplies of oil, coal and gas will have run out.

How ______
have will
will have
'到2030年,我们是否将会已经找到一种方法来养活世界上所有的人呢?' 选择英语翻译;
Will we have found a way to feed all the people in the world by the year 2030?
Will we have find a way to feed all the people in the world by the year 2030?
Will we found a way to feed all the people in the world by the year 2030?
We will have found a way to feed all the people in the world by the year 2030?
By the year 2030, will we have found a way to feed all the people in the world?


By that time, how will have education changed?

By the year 2100, the situation will have become worse.

I don't think so, everything will have become less complicated by then.

That is true but by that time people will have forgotten how to work hard.

    • By the year 2100,
    • has been
    • will have
    • become worse.
    • has
    • the situation
    '到了2100年,人们将会已经忘记了如何去努力工作。' 选择英语翻译;
    By the year 2100, people have forgotten how to work hard.
    By the year 2100, people will have forgotten how to work hard.
    By the year 2100, people are forgetting how to work hard.
    By the year 2100, people forgot how to work hard.
    '到了2100年,所有东西都会变成没有那么复杂。' 选择英语翻译;
    By the year 2100, everything will become less complicated.
    By the year 2100, everything becomes less complicated.
    By the year 2100, everything will have become less complicated.
    By the year 2100, everything became less complicated.