Kata ganti refleksif vs. Kata ganti objek
try Again
Lesson 229
Kata ganti refleksif vs. Kata ganti objek
He spoke to us = Dia pernah berbicara kepada kami.
\'Us\' (kami/kita) adalah kata ganti objek (object pronoun).
We were proud of ourselves = Kami bangga dengan diri kami sendiri.
\'Ourselves\' (diri kami/kita sendiri) adalah kata ganti refleksif (reflexive pronoun).
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
We turned around and saw a strange animal behind ______
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
Don't help me. I can help ______
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
I can't believe you cut ______
'Saya akan membawa saudara laki-laki saya bersama saya. ' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I will bring my brother along with me.
I will bring my brother along with myself.
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
Don't worry, the children are old enough to look after ______
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
Suddenly, I saw Ahmad standing beside ______
'Dia telah memberitahunya tentang kebenaran kisah itu. ' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
She told herself the truth.
She told her the truth.
Kata ganti objek (me, you, him, her, it, them) bisa diletakkan sesudah kata kerja (verb) atau kata depan (preposition) (in, on, under, dll).
Do you really hate her? = Apakah kamu benar-benar benci dia?
Agni sedang berbicara dengannya tentang pesta itu.
    • Agni
    • her
    • herself
    • is talking to
    • about the party.
    • themselves
    Saya bisa melakukan ini sendiri.
    • me.
    • myself.
    • them.
    • I can
    • by me.
    • do this
    Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
    You don't have to tell ______
    Dia selalu berbicara dengan mereka.
    • always
    • himself.
    • she is
    • them.
    • talking to
    • themselves.
    Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
    I am never able to tell ______
    Mereka akan pulang sendiri.
    • themselves.
    • they will
    • them
    • go home
    • goes home
    • their
    Semua anak itu mengemas tas mereka sendiri.
    • packed their bags
    • them
    • All the kids
    • themselves.
    • themselfs.
    • itself.
    'Mereka sedang berbicara tentang kami, tetapi mereka tidak mengenal kami dengan cukup baik.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    They talk about us, but they don't really know us well enough.
    They talk about ourselves, but they don't really know us well enough.
    They talk about us, but they don't really know ourselves well enough.
    They talk about us, but they don't really know we well enough.
    Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
    We went for a horror movie and were shivering with fear in the middle of ______
    Terjemahkan kalimat ini ke dalam bahasa Inggris.
    Saya sendiri terpaksa membawa dia keluar.
    Anda seharusnya merasa malu dengan diri sendiri.
    • your.
    • yourself.
    • ashamed of
    • you
    • ashamed to
    • should be
    Dengarkan percakapan ini.
    We went to a jungle this morning.
    We all were very excited and all the kids had packed their bags themselves.
    I was scared because I was the only elder among us.
    Pagi tadi kami pergi ke hutan.
    Kami semua sangat bersemangat dan semua anak mengemas tas mereka masing-masing.
    Saya takut karena saya satu-satunya orang yang sudah tua di antara kami.

    Jungle? That sounds interesting!
    Hutan? Kedengaran menarik!

    The first one hour was thrilling but we were afraid to see there was no other jeep on either side of our jeep. We got down to see some plants and our jeep accidentally left us.
    Jam pertama memang menyenangkan tetapi kami cemas karena tidak melihat satu pun jip di sekitar jip kami. Kami turun dari jip untuk melihat tumbuh-tumbuhan dan jip kami tidak sengaja meninggalkan kami.

    That's scary! What happened next?
    Itu amat menakutkan! Apa yang terjadi seterusnya?

    The jungle was horrifying and we were shivering in the middle of it. We had nobody around us. Two kids started looking for help while Ahmad and I were keeping an eye on our bags.
    Hutan itu sangat mengerikan dan kami menggigil ketakutan di dalam hutan.
    Tidak ada siapa-siapa di sekeliling kami.
    Ada 2 anak yang mulai mencari bantuan sementara saya dan Ahmad menjaga tas-tas kami.

    You are very brave, I must say!
    Anda berani sekali, kata saya!

    The kids were nowhere to be seen and Ahmad fell in a pit.
    He got scared and started to cry, I had to pull him out myself.
    Anak-anak tidak kelihatan di mana pun, dan Ahmad terjatuh ke dalam lubang.
    Dia ketakutan dan mulai menangis.
    Saya sendiri terpaksa menarik dia keluar dari lubang.

    Oh no! What happened finally?
    Oh, tidak! Apa yang terjadi akhirnya?

    Finally, after two hours we got some help and came back to our hotel.
    We got ourselves some food at the restaurant and relaxed for a while.
    Akhirnya, setelah 2 jam, kami berhasil mendapatkan bantuan lalu kembali ke hotel.
    Kami makan di restoran dan beristirahat sebentar.

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