Penggunaan 'could'
try Again
Lesson 236
Penggunaan 'could'
He could play the piano when he was four. = Dia bisa bermain piano ketika dia berumur 4 tahun.
\'Could\' adalah bentuk lampau dari \'can\'.
Can/Could = Bisa
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
He could
He can
He could not play the piano when he was four. = Dia tidak dapat bermain piano ketika dia berumur 4 tahun.
Could not/Couldn't = Tidak bisa
'Saya tidak bisa menjalankan komputer sewaktu kecil.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I couldn't operate the computer when I was a child.
I can't operate the computer when I was a child.
Could he play the piano when he was four? = Apakah dia bisa bermain piano sewaktu dia berumur 4 tahun?
Struktur kalimat tanya: Could/couldn't + Subjek + infinitive ...?
Yes, he could. = Ya, dia bisa.
Struktur jawaban: Yes/no + Subjek + could/couldn't
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
Could she
She could
Can she
Kata ganti orang Selalu gunakan could
I Could
You Could
He Could
She Could
It Could
We Could
They Could
'Apakah Anda telah bisa bermain gitar sebelum mengambil kelas-kelasnya?' Pilih terjemahan yang tepat.;
Could you play the guitar before taking lessons?
Did you could play the guitar before taking the lessons?
You could play the guitar before taking lessons?
Do you could play the guitar before taking the lessons?
'Kami tidak dapat berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris sewaktu kecil.' Pilih terjemahan yang tepat.;
We could not speak English when we were young.
We can not speak English when we were young.
We do not speak English when we were young.
We were not speak English when we were young.
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
They could
They were
Could they
Can they
'Saya tidak bisa dengar dia semalam karena musiknya kencang.' Pilih terjemahan yang tepat.;
I couldn't hear him last night because of the loud music.
I do not hear him last night because of the loud music.
I can't hear him last night because of the loud music.
I wasn't hear him last night because of the loud music.
'Mendiang kakek saya tidak bisa berenang. ' Pilih terjemahan yang tepat.;
My late grandfather couldn't swim.
My late grandfather can't swim.
My late grandfather didn't swim.
My late grandfather hasn't swim.
'Ketika komputer itu rusak semalam, saya tidak bisa memperbaikinya.' Pilih terjemahan yang tepat.;
When the computer crashed yesterday, I couldn't fix it.
When the computer crashed yesterday, I didn't fix it.
When the computer crashed yesterday, I could fix it.
When the computer crashed yesterday, I have not fix it.
'Saya bisa berlari sepuluh mil ketika berumur dua puluhan.' Pilih terjemahan yang tepat.
I could run ten miles in my twenties.
I could ran ten miles in my twenties.
'Saya bisa berbicara bahasa China semasa saya masih anak-anak. ' Pilih terjemahan yang tepat.;
I could speak Chinese when I was a kid.
I can speak Chinese when I was a kid.
I was spoke Chinese when I was a kid.
I was speak Chinese when I was a kid.
Semalam saya tidak dapat mengangkat kursi itu sendiri.
    • by myself.
    • lift
    • yesterday,
    • I
    • couldn't
    • the couch
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