Future perfect tense: Affirmative and negative
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Lesson 240
Future perfect tense: Affirmative and negative
By this time next year, I will have finished my degree = Para estas fechas el año que viene, habré acabado mi licenciatura.
En el futuro perfecto se habla de una acción que, en un determinado tiempo del futuro, ya habrá terminado.
'Habremos terminado el trabajo en una hora.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés;
We will have finished the work in an hour.
We will have finish the work in an hour.
We will finished the work in an hour.
We have finished the work in an hour
'Habré leído este libro al final del mes.
' Selecciona la traducción en inglés
I will has read this book by the end of the month.
I will be reading this book by the end of the month.
I will have read this book by the end of the month.
I will have reading this book by the end of the month.
The children will not have arrived by the time we get home = Los niños no habrán llegado para cuando lleguemos a casa.
Para formar una frase negativa en el futuro perfecto se usa: ‘Will not + participio pasado’
Recuerda que se suele emplear ‘by’ o ‘by the time’ en el futuro perfecto para indicar el momento del que estamos hablando.
Escucha el diálogo.
By Monday, I will have finished all my important work.
Para el lunes, habré acabado todo el trabajo importante.

Then we can get together for a movie.
Después podemos vernos para una película.

I don't think so, since my parents will have arrived by then.
No creo, ya que mis padres habrán llegado para entonces.

'Para el lunes, habré acabado el trabajo importante.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés;
By Monday, I have will finished my important work.
By Monday, I will have finishes my important work.
By Monday, I will have finished my important work.
By Monday, I will has finished my important work.
'Mis padres habrán llegado para entonces.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés.;
My relatives will have arrive by then.
My relatives will have arrived by then.
My relatives will have arrives by then.
My relatives arrived by then.
'Mira la hora. El partido habría empezado.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés.;
Look at the time. The match would have started.
Look at the time. The match will be started.
Look at the time. The match will start.
Look at the time. The match has started.
Elige la opción adecuada que encaja en el espacio vacío
By 2018, she ______
won't have
will not
has not
must not
'No se habrá ido a Caracas para la semana que viene.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés
She won't have gone to Caracas by next week
She isn't have gone to Caracas by next week
Elige la opción adecuada que encaja en el espacio vacío
She ______
will have read
will has read
will have reading
will has reading
Elige la opción adecuada que encaja en el espacio vacío
He ______
won't have
won't has
La reunión no habrá finalizado para la semana que viene.
    • finalized
    • finalled
    • My meeting
    • by next week.
    • final
    • will not have
    'Su madre se habra recuperado para el mes que viene.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés.;
    Her mother will have recovered by next month.
    Her mother will have recovery by next month.
    Her mother will have recovering by next month.
    Her mother will have recovers by next month.
    Ellos habrán llegado a España la semana que viene.
    • reached Spain by
    • have
    • has
    • They will
    • next week.
    • reaches Spain by
    El habrá terminado de trabajar para el mes que viene.
    • next month.
    • stops working by
    • stop working by
    • He will have
    • He will has
    • stopped working by
    Elige la opción adecuada que encaja en el espacio vacío
    Winters ______
    will have became
    will have become
    will have becomes
    will have becoming
    Elige la opción adecuada que encaja en el espacio vacío
    My friend ______
    will have made
    will have makes
    will have make
    will have making
    Para agosto, habré adelgazado.
    • will have
    • will has
    • becomes thin.
    • By August, I
    • must have
    • become thin.
    'Para septiembre, el nuevo modelo de iPhone habrá llegado.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés.
    By September, the iPhone's new model will have arrives.
    By September, the iPhone's new model will have arrived.
    Para la próxima semana, el habrá agarrado la copia de María.
    • taken
    • he will has
    • By next week,
    • the copy from Maria.
    • he will have
    • takes
    Siguiente palabra