Uso de future tense para passado
try Again
Lesson 246
Uso de future tense para passado
He thought he would go to the party =
Ele pensou que iria para a festa.
At that time, I thought I would get a good job = Naquela época, eu pensei que iria conseguir um bom emprego.
Estas frases narram um evento que aconteceu no passado, mas naquele momento, estava falando sobre o futuro.
Selecione a palavra que falta no espaço em branco.
I ______
was going to
was going to be
was going
was go to
Ele pensou que esta viagem seria divertida.
    • is be
    • would be fun.
    • he thought
    • are
    • that trip
    • would
    Selecione a palavra que falta no espaço em branco.
    We ______
    were going to
    was going to
    Todos achavam que a piscina estaria limpa.
    • would be clean.
    • is clean
    • Everyone thought
    • had been cleaned.
    • the swimming pool
    • was clean.
    'Era Março. David ia começar seu trabalho no mês seguinte.'
    Selecione a tradução em inglês.
    It is March then. David was starting his job the next month.
    It was March then. David was starting his job the next month.
    It was March then. David will start his job the next month.
    It was March then. David will be start his job the next month.
    'Estavam todos ocupados. A exposição ia acontecer dentro de uma semana.'
    Selecione a tradução em inglês.
    They were all busy. The exhibition was go to happen in a week's time.
    They were all busy. The exhibition will be happening in a week's time.
    They were all busy. The exhibitions are going to happen in a week's time.
    They were all busy. The exhibition was going to happen in a week's time.
    Estávamos prestes a ir a uma igreja na Colômbia.
    • to a church
    • we were
    • about to
    • we was
    • in Colombia.
    • go
    Lisa ia para uma reunião na quinta-feira.
    • on Thursday.
    • to a meeting
    • Lisa
    • at Thursday.
    • was going to
    • go
    'Lisa e sua família estavam indo para a Espanha para suas férias.'
    Selecione a tradução em inglês.
    Lisa and her family will going to Spain for their vacations.
    Lisa and her family will be go to Spain for their vacations.
    Lisa and her family were going to Spain for their vacations.
    Lisa and her family going to Spain for their vacations.
    Ele havia prometido me levar para a feira na próxima segunda-feira.
    • to the fair
    • next monday.
    • he had promised
    • to
    • he has promised
    • take me
    Supunha-se que o meu amigo deveria me encontrar quando eu estivesse na Espanha.
    • to meet me when
    • will supposed
    • I was
    • my friend
    • in Spain.
    • was supposed
    Selecione a palavra que falta no espaço em branco.
    When I was young I didn't know what kind of job I ______
    are do
    is do
    would do
    am do
    'A peça deveria começar às 8 da noite, mas tivemos que esperar até as 8:15.' Selecione a tradução em inglês.
    The play was suppose to start at 8 p.m, but we had to wait till 8:15 p.m.
    The play was supposed to start at 8 p.m, but we had to wate till 8:15 p.m.
    The play was sapposed to start at 8 p.m, but we had to wait till 8:15 p.m.
    The play was supposed to start at 8 p.m, but we had to wait till 8:15 p.m.
    Eu estava prestes a ir para sua casa.
    • going
    • I was
    • about to
    • go to
    • her place.
    • go
    Eu ia sair, mas havia muito trabalho no escritório.
    • I was going to
    • take a leave but
    • there was
    • work at the office.
    • too much
    • I will be
    Eu estava prestes a participar na corrida.
    • in the race.
    • I was
    • take part
    • about
    • about to
    • go
    Para falar do futuro no passado, podemos usar:
    'was/were going to'
    'was/were about to'
    'was/were supposed to'
    'was/were to'.
    Próxima palavra