Phrasal verbs - bring up, bring out, clear up, call off, carry on, etc.
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Lesson 248
Phrasal verbs - bring up, bring out, clear up, call off, carry on, etc.
We need to bring the books out quickly = 我们得赶紧把书拿出来。
Phrasal verb: Bring out = publish = 发布

\'Phrasal verbs\' 是通过结合\'verb\' 与 \'a particle\' 形成的。
Verb = Bring, Particle = Out.
We need to bring out the books quickly = 我们得赶紧把书拿出来。
这类\'phrasal verbs\' 不需要将 \'verb(bring)\' 和 particle(out)放在一起。
当 \'object\' 是个 noun\'(如.Books)\' 那就可以放在 \'particle(eg. Out)\'前面或后面。
We need to break into the apartment, she is stuck inside = 我们得闯到公寓里,她被困在里面了。
Break into = 暴力闯入某个房屋内

Inseparable phrasal verbs 是当 \'particle(into)\' 跟在动词\'(break)\'后面时形成的,中间不能加 \'object\'。
We need to break the apartment into.
'你不需要提起这件事的。' 选择正确的英文翻译。
You didn't have to bring this up.
You didn't have to bring this out.
'我不知道这件事是怎么回事,但我们今天会做个了结的。' 选择正确的英文翻译。
I don't know what is going on, on this issue, but we'll clear it up today.
I don't know what is going on, on this issue, but we'll call it off today.
I'm a little busy, you ______
Carry on
You will have to ______
carry out
carry it out
do carry out
How did you ______
find out
I ______
came across
came along
came up
Whenever you need someone, you can ______
count on
He was found cheating, I think you need to ______
deal with
The car broke down in the middle of the highway = 车在高速公路上抛锚了。
Some phrasal verbs have a totally different meaning; 有时候 \'phrasal verbs\' 也不好理解。
例子: The car broke down in the middle of the highway
Broke down = stopped working.
She ______
broke up
break up
What are you up to? = 你在干啥呢?
Verbs with two particles: 某些 \'phrasal verb\' 中有2个 \'particles\'
Up, to = particles.
You can ______
carry on with
carry with
I think we should ______
do away with
do away
We have a lot to ______
catch up on
catch with
do catch up on
Phrasal verb meaning
break down analyze; list the parts of something separately; 分解
bring around influence somebody to accept your opinion; 围绕带来
close down stop all work at a business/factory;停下公司/工厂中的所有工作。
cut back reduce something; 减少某物
cut down reduce in quantity; 减量
cut off disconnect a supply; 移除供给
cut out stop doing/using something; 停下做/使用某物
fill in complete a form; 完成表格
call on visit; 访问
come back return to a place; 回到一个地方
come out appear; 出现
come over come to a place; 来到一个地方
catch up with go faster to reach the same position as somebody; 赶上
fall back on use something because other things have failed; 用某物,因为其他的都失败了;