try Again
Lesson 257
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
Did you hear that Ahmed was fired last month? He ______
had been working
had been worked
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
I was really angry at Yassin yesterday. By the time he finally arrived, I ______
had waited
have waited
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
It is already 9:30 PM and I ______
had been waiting
have been waiting
have waited
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
When I saw him, I noticed, that he ______
had gotten
had been having
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
I ______
had seen
have seen
'كانت ذاهبة من أجل الحصول على المستندات التي كنت أبحث عليها منذ الظهر' أختار الترجمة الصحيحة لهذة الجملة باللغة الإنجليزية
It was a relief to find the documents. I had been looking for them all afternoon.
It was a relief to find the documents. I had looked for them all afternoon.
عندما جاءت هند إلى المكتب الأمس كانت عيناها حمراء ودامعة أعتقد أنها كانت تبكي
    • When Shimaa came
    • into the office yesterday,
    • her eyes were red and watery.
    • she had been crying.
    • she has been crying.
    • I think
    أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
    It was not the first time that I had met him. We ______
    had met
    had meet
    had been met
    had meeted
    أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
    Adam ______
    has climbed the Everest, and sailed
    has been climbed the Everest, and sailed
    has been climbing the Everest, and sailing
    had climbed the Everest, and sailed
    أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
    When he ______
    had finished
    did finished
    has finished
    had been finishing
    أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
    The doctor asked me how long I ______
    have had
    had had
    has had
    أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
    Sara wasn’t at home. She ______
    has gone
    had gone
    مر أكثر من شهر قبل أن ندرك ما حدث له
    • It was more than a month
    • to him.
    • before we realized
    • what have happened
    • what has happened
    • what had happened
    أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
    I wish we ______
    had buy
    had buyed
    had bought
    أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
    I would have helped him if he ______
    has asked
    had asked
    أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
    The invoice ______
    had still not arrived
    has still not arrived
    اللفظ الآتی