Menulis satu e-mel untuk menjadualkan mesyuarat
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Lesson 258
Menulis satu e-mel untuk menjadualkan mesyuarat
'Saya ingin membincangkan soal harga, bolehkah kita berjumpa pada hari Isnin?' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
I would like to discuss the pricing, could we meet this Monday?
I would discuss the pricing, could we meet this Monday?
I like to discuss the pricing, could we meet this Monday?
I would like to discuss to the pricing, could we meet this Monday?
Sebelum menulis email, anda perlu tahu siapa nama penerima? Mulakan dengan
Dear Miss/ Mr. + Nama Keluarga. Permulaan dengan
'Dear Sir/ Madam' tidak dapat menarik perhatian pembaca.
Sebaik-baiknya, selepas gelaran (Mr./Miss), nama keluarga digunakan.
'Dear Mr. Gupta' adalah cara yang lebih baik untuk bertegur sapa daripada 'Dear Mr. Manoj'.
Sesetengah organisasi mungkin mengamalkan budaya tidak formal, jika demikian, anda boleh menegur seseorang dengan nama pertamanya tanpa gelaran.
Walau bagaimanapun, sekiranya anda tidak pasti tentang budaya organisasi tersebut, ia adalah lebih baik jika bertegur secara formal.
'En. Hashim, bolehkah anda datang ke pejabat kami pada hari Selasa sebelum jam 4 petang?' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
En. Hashim, would it be possible for you to come down to our office on Tuesday, at 4 pm?
En. Hashim, it would be possible for you to come down to our office on Tuesday, at 4 pm?
'Saya ingin membuat satu jadual bermesyuarat. Bilakah kita boleh berjumpa?' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
I would like to schedule a meeting. When can we meet?
I would like to schedule a meeting. When we meet?
I would like to schedule a meeting. Till when can we meet?
I would like to schedule a meeting. Since when can we meet?
Apabila menulis email kepada seseorang pada kali pertama, kita perlu memperkenalkan diri sendiri dahulu.
Dear En. Wahid,

Hope you're doing well.
I am Halim from ABC Pvt. Ltd. - Malaysia's biggest LED manufacturer, and I would like to tell you about some of our products.
'Saya ingin mengadakan satu perjumpaan untuk berbincang tentang potensi berkongsi peluang.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
I would like to seek an appointment for discussing potential partnership opportunities.
I would like to have an appointment for discussing potential partnership opportunities.
Dengar perbualan di bawah ini dengan teliti.
Hello, En. Hasan? This is Ali from Hitachi.
Helo, En. Hasan? Saya Ali dari Hitachi.

Helo Ali, what can I do for you?
Helo Ali, boleh saya bantu?

I was wondering if we could get together on Tuesday to talk about the potential partnership opportunities?
Bolehkah kita berjumpa pada hari Selasa untuk berbincang tentang pontensi untuk bekerjasama?

Tuesday sounds fine to me, what time is good for you?
Hari Selasa tidak jadi masalah, masanya?

How about 2 p.m.?
Kalau pukul 2 petang, boleh?

I’m sorry, I’ve got to meet with my boss then, but any other time is fine.
Minta maaf, saya ada mesyuarat dengan bos pada pukul 2 petang. Lain-lain masa okey.

Can we try 3 p.m., then?
Kalau macam itu, pukul 3 p.m. boleh?

That’s perfect, see you then.
Boleh. Kita jumpa esok.

Thank you En. Hasan, I’ll see you on Tuesday then, at 3 p.m.
Terima kasih, En. Hasan. Kita jumpa pada hari Selasa jam 3 petang.

Kalau diizikan, saya ingin berjumpa dengan Encik pada hari esok.
    • would like to
    • If possible, I
    • come at
    • come by
    • come on
    • and see you tomorrow.
    'Saya ingin bertanya sama ada kita boleh berjumpa selepas satu jam? Saya ada hal mustahak untuk dibincang.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
    I was wondering if we could meet up for half an hour; had to share something important.
    I was wondering if we could meet up for half a hour; had to share something important.
    'Saya amat bersyukur jika Encik boleh luangkan sedikit masa untuk berjumpa?' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
    I would be grateful, if you could tell me a convenient time to meet.
    I would be greatful, if you could tell me a convenient time to meet.
    'Saya ingin berbincang tentang polisi baru, boleh jumpa hari Selasa?' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
    I would like to discuss some of our new policies. Would Tuesday suit you?
    I would like to discuss some of our new policies. Would Tuesday suite you?
    Kita boleh berjumpa pada waktu rehat tengah hari, anda bagaimana?
    • could meet
    • on lunch
    • fine with you?
    • over lunch
    • would that be
    • We
    Dear En. Azlan,

    Hope you're doing well.
    I am Saiful, from OMP Mobile, I would like to discuss about a potential partnership opportunity, and how it could be useful for your company.
    Could we meet this Saturday, at 6 pm, if it is convenient for you?
    If not, kindly suggest a slot that works with you.
    Look forward to meeting you.

    Sr. Executive
    OMP Mobile Private Limited
    Dear En. Johan,

    This is regarding the new machines you had been looking for. We recently got some new ones, so, I would like to schedule a meeting with you to tell you about the features and the pricing.
    Please let me know a convenient date and time when we could connect.
    I'd be happy to come down to your office and discuss the details.

    Thank you,
    Mohd Amir
    Sr. Executive
    ABC Co.
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