Batalkan mesyuarat
try Again
Lesson 259
Batalkan mesyuarat
'Saya minta maaf kerana tidak dapat berjumpa dengan awak. Saya ada tugasan di luar negeri.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.;
My apologies, but I will not be able to meet you today, I have to go out of town for some work.
My apologies, but I am not able to meet you today, I have to go out of town for some work.
My apologies, but I have not been able to meet you today, I have to go out of town for some work.
My apologies, but I was not able to meet you today, I have to go out of town for some work.
'Saya ada satu tugasan penting, jadi saya bercadang untuk menangguhkan mesyuarat pada keesokan hari. Apa pendapat anda?' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
Some urgent work has come up, so I am thinking of postponing today's meeting to tomorrow, will that be fine with you?
Some urgent work has came up, so I am thinking of postponing today's meeting to tomorrow, will that be fine with you?
'Oleh kerana berlakunya tragedi, saya terpaksa membatalkan mesyuarat pada hari ini.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
Due to a tragedy that has happened, I will have to cancel today’s meeting.
Due to a tragedy that has happened, I should cancel today’s meeting.
'Hari ini tidak dapat berjumpa. Saya baru teringat ada tugasan penting. Bolehkah kita berjumpa pada hari Selasa?' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
It'll not be possible to meet today. I just remembered that I had some urgent work. Would it be possible to meet on Tuesday?
It'll impossible to meet today. I just remembered that I had some urgent work. Would it be possible to meet on Tuesday?
'Saya minta maaf atas segala kesulitan kerana tidak dapat menghadiri mesyuarat pada hari esok.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
I apologize for the inconvenience, I will not be able to come for the meeting tomorrow.
I am apologize for the inconvenience, I will not be able to come for the meeting tomorrow.
'Saya perlu mengatur semula mesyuarat esok ke minggu hadapan kerana saya akan ke luar negeri selama satu minggu.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
I will have to reschedule tomorrow’s meeting for the next week because I am going out of town for a week.
I will have to rescheduled tomorrow’s meeting for the next week because I am going out of town for a week.
'Bolehkah kita tangguhkan mesyuarat lewat sejam? Bus saya terlambat. ' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
Can we postpone the meeting by an hour? My bus has got delayed.
Can we postpone the meeting to an hour? My bus has got delayed.
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
I will need to ______
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
Unfortunately, some tragedy has happened, so I will have to ______
postpone our meeting to 6 P.M.
postpone our meeting by 6 P.M.
Writing an e-mail to cancel a meeting:

Dear Ahmad,

I apologize, but I will not be able to attend the meeting today. Something unavoidable has come up. If possible, can we reschedule the meeting?
Would you be free on Friday, at 5 P.M. instead? Please let me know.

Thank You,
Dengar perbualan di bawah ini dengan teliti.
Hello Ahmad, is it a good time to talk?
Helo, Ahmad. Boleh bercakap sekarang?

Hi Jamal, yes, tell me?
Hai Jamal, ya, apa dia?

I just wanted to inform you that I’ll not be able to make it for the meeting today. My cousin has met with an accident and I will have to rush to the hospital. I am really sorry for the last minute notice.
Saya cuma hendak memberitahu yang saya tidak dapat hadir ke mesyuarat pada hari ini. Sepupu saya mengalami kemalangan dan saya perlu pergi ke hospital. Saya mohon maaf kerana memberi notis pada saat lewat.

Oh, that’s terrible! I hope it is nothing major.
Oh, itu sangat dahsyat! Saya berharap tiada apa-apa yang serius.

Not that major, thanks for asking.
Bukan yang serius. Terima kasih.

Jamal, is there anyone else from your company who would be able to come for the meeting on your behalf?
Jamal, ada sesiapa dalam syarikat yang boleh mewakili awak?

Others have some meetings scheduled already, can we schedule the meeting for tomorrow?
Tidak ada, mereka semua perlu menghadiri mesyuarat lain. Bolehkah kita tangguhkan mesyuarat pada keesokan hari?

Actually, some more members would be joining in for the meeting. So, it would be great if somebody could give the presentation on your behalf.
Sebenarnya terdapat ahli-ahli baru yang akan hadir ke mesyuarat. Jadi, lebih baik jika ada seseorang yang boleh mewakili anda untuk memberi persembahan.

Okay, I will see what I can do and call you back in an hour.
Baik, biar saya fikirkan. Saya akan menelefon balik dalam masa sejam.

Dengar perbualan di bawah ini dengan teliti.
Good morning En. Bahari, is it a good time to talk?
Selamat pagi En. Bahari, boleh kita bercakap?

Yes, Jamal, tell me?
Ya, Jamal, apa dia?

Would it be possible to reschedule today’s meeting? Something urgent has come up.
Bolehkah kita tangguhkan mesyuarat hari ini? Ada sesuatu yang telah berlaku.

Let me check my calendar, my secretary will get back to you with a date and time, see if you are comfortable with that.
Biar saya periksa kalendar dahulu. Kerani saya akan menghubungi anda untuk tarikh dan masa yang sesuai bagi anda?

Okay, that will be great, I will wait for the call. I apologize for the last minute change.
Okey, itu sangat bagus! Saya akan menunggu panggilan. Mohon maaf sebab minta bertukar pada saat-saat lewat.

Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
I will not be ______
able to made it for
able to make it for
able to make for
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
I wanted to inform you that your call with Mr.Li Ke has been ______
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
She has postpone
She is postponed
She is postpone
She has postponed
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
I apologize of the last minute ______
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
I just wanted to check if we could ______
push our call down
push our call out
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
I'm ______
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
We should ______
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