Panggilan pemasaran: Pemasaran produk anda
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Lesson 260
Panggilan pemasaran: Pemasaran produk anda
'Saya dari agensi pelancongan ABC dan ingin memperkenalkan pakej terbaru kami.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
I am from ABC Travels, I would like to tell you about our latest package.
I am from ABC Travels, I would like to tell you about our the latest package.
'Baru-baru ini, kami telah melancarkan beberapa pakej baru ke Eropah.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
We have recently launched some new packages for Europe.
We have recently been launched some new packages for Europe.
'Pakej anda termasuk hotel dan kos pengangkutan.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
Your package includes hotel and transportation costs.
Your package has included hotel and transportation costs.
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
This package is ______
much better than the packages offered by
many more better than the packages offered by
more better than the packages offered by
very better than the packages offered by
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
If you sign up today, I will provide you with some ______
additional services completely free of cost.
additional services completely free to cost.
additional services complete free of cost.
additional services completely free from cost.
'Product kami bukan sahaja lebih murah berbanding dengan yang lain, tetapi ia juga lebih bagus kualiti.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
Our product is not just available at a lower price as compared to other products, but is also better in terms of the quality.
Our product is not just available at a lower price as compare to other products, but is also better in terms of the quality.
'Semua pakej kami termasuk tawaran istimewa.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
All our plans include some special benefits.
Every of our plans include some special benefits.
'Harga kami lebih murah berbanding dengan syarikat-syarikat lain.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
Our prices are much lower than other companies.
Our prices are more less than other companies.
'Jika anda membeli lebih dari 10 unit, saya boleh manawarkan diskaun.' Pilih penterjemahan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
If you purchase more than 10 units, then I can offer you a discount.
If you purchase more than 10 units, then I could offered you a discount.
Dengar perbualan di bawah ini dengan teliti.
Hello Sir, Good morning.
Helo Encik, Selamat pagi.

Good morning, who is this?
Selamat pagi, siapa di sana?

Sir, I am calling from XYZ travels, I wanted to tell you about our latest packages.
Encik, saya dari perlancongan XYZ dan ingin memberi penerangan tentang pakej terbaru kami.

Oh, okay. So what all is included in your package?
Oh, okey. Apa yang terdapat dalam pakej kamu?

In general, the hotel and transportation costs are included in our package. It depends on where you plan to travel, we have a special offers for different destinations.
Secara umumnya, hotel dan kos pengangkutan kami sudah termasuk dalam pakej. Ia bergantung kepada tempat anda melancong, kami ada tawaran istimewa mengikut destinasi.

That sounds great, can we meet to discuss this?
Bagusnya, boleh kita berjumpa untuk berbincang mengenainya?

Sure! Till then, please download our app, you will find all the details in it.
Tentunya boleh. Sila muat turun aplikasi kami, Encik boleh cari semua maklumat di sini.

Okay, thank you.
Okey, terima kasih.

Thank you sir, have a nice day!
Terima kasih, Encik.

Dengar perbualan di bawah ini dengan teliti.
Hello Sir, Good morning.
Helo Encik, Selamat pagi.

Hello, good morning, who’s this?
Helo, Selamat pagi. Siapa di sana?

I am Xiao Wei. I am calling from POP travel agency. Is this a good time to talk?
Saya Mazlan dari agensi perlancongan POP. Boleh kita bercakap?

Yes, tell me.
Ya, silakan.

You had sent us an email for your upcoming travel. We would like to offer you a great package.
Encik telah hantarkan e-mel merancang perlancongan kepada kami. Kami ingin menawarkan satu pakej istimewa.

Okay, what all will be included in that package?
Okey, apa yang terdapat dalam pakej itu?

Sir, we have included all boarding and lodging costs, the airfare, as well as all the tours. On top there is a special 20% discount for you!
Encik, pakej kami termasuk semua kos penginapan, tambang penerbangan dan juga lawatan. Tambahan pula, terdapat 20% diskaun untuk anda.

Oh, that’s a great news! You made my day!
Oh, ianya sangat bangus! Gembiranya saya!

Have a great day Sir!
Baiklah, bye...

Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
We are the ______
most prefer brand
most preferred brand
most preferential brand
most preference brand
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