Past perfect vs. Past perfect progressive tense
try Again
Lesson 274
Past perfect vs. Past perfect progressive tense
When I arrived at the station, the train had already left. = Cuando llegue a la estación, el tren ya se había marchado.
Se usa el 'past perfect' para para hablar de algo que sucedió antes de otra acción en el pasado.
Action 1: The train left. Action 2: I arrived at the station.
Para la acción que sucedió después, se usa el 'simple past' .
Para la acción anterior se usa el 'past perfect' o el 'past perfect progressive'.
When I arrived at the station, the train had already been whistling for 2 minutes. = Cuando llegue a la estación, el tren había estado silbando durante dos minutos.
Se usa el 'past perfect progressivep si la 'action 1' estaba sucediendo hasta el momento en que sucedió la 'action 2'. Se centra en la duración del acontecimiento (action 1).
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
On September 1st, a tsunami in the Indian ocean killed five men who had ______
been sitting
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
She ______
had been wait
had been waited
had been waiting
had waiting
The waves had been hitting the shore since last night before the tsunami came. = Las olas habían estado golpeando la costa desde ayer por la noche antes de que el tsunami llegara.
Usamos el 'past perfect progressive' para hablar acerca de una acción anterior y larga que había estado en curso de forma continua antes de que sucediera otra acción.
I'm sorry I left without you last night, but I told you to meet me early because the show started at 8:00. I had been trying to get tickets for that play for months, and I didn't want to miss it.
By the time I finally left the coffee shop where we were supposed to meet, I had had five cups of coffee and I had been waiting over an hour. I had to leave because I had arranged to meet Joe in front of the theater.
Presta atención al tiempo de las frases subrayadas. Cuando se especifica la duración del acontecimiento tiempo pasado, se usa el 'past perfect progressive'.
En los otros casos, cuando la acción previa ha sido finalizada, se usa el 'simple past perfect'.
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
They had ______
been thinking
been thought
been think
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
A lot of smoke came in because I ______
had forgotten
have forgotten
had been forgotten
had been forgetting
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
The same Tsunami reached Bengal four hours later, after it ______
had traveling
had been traveled
had traveled
had been traveling
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
It reached Bengal 4 hours later, after it had traveled 3,620 kilometers. This means that it ______
had been moving
had been moved
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
When the wave got to Bengal, it ______
had reached
have reached
had been reaching
had been reached
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
By the time it left Bengal, the tsunami ______
has killed
had killed
had been killing
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
The island was badly damaged and the tsunami ______
had been destroyed
had destroyed
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
The reporter ______
had been speaking
had speaking
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