Third unreal condition: usage
try Again
Lesson 274
Third unreal condition: usage
If Neha had been on time, I would not have fought with her. = اگر نیہا وقت پر ہوتی تو میں اس سے کبھی نہیں لڑتی۔
Unreal = تصوراتی۔ Conditional = شرط
ہم third unreal conditional کا استعمال تب کرتے ہیں جب ہمیں زمانہ ماضی میں ہو سکنے والی تصوراتی چیزیں بتانی ہوں۔
Here, 'Neha' in reality was not on time. The speaker is talking of a hypothetical situation (and his reaction to the same) in which 'Neha would have been on time'.
The third conditional therefore refers to a situation that is past and is impossible to change.
If I hadn't missed the bus, I would have arrived early. = اگر میری بس نہیں چھوٹتی تو میں جلدی پہونچ جاتی۔

We also use the 'third unreal conditional' to express regrets about the past.
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
If the weather ______
had been
have been
has been
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
If I had worked harder, I ______
would have
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
If it ______
is not
hadn't been
will not be
If I hadn't eaten out, I wouldn't have had an infection. = اگر میں باہر نہیں کھاتا تو مجھے انفیکشن نہیں ہوتا۔
‏We also use the unreal conditional to express regrets about the past
'ہم third unreal conditional کا استعمال تب بھی کرتے ہیں جب ہمیں پرانی کسی بات کو لے کر دکھ ہو'۔
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
If I ______
hadn't drank
hadn't drunk
hadn't drink
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
If I hadn't missed the bus, I ______
would have
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
If I ______
hadn't fought
haven't fought
won't fight
did not fight
Unreal Conditional Structure:
If + subject + past perfect
subject + would/could have + past participle
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
If I had some money, I ______
could have
‏If the dog hadn't barked‎,‎ the thief might have escaped = اگر کتا بھونکا نہیں ہوتا تو چور بھاگ گیا ہوتا۔
In the main clause, instead of 'would have', we can also use -> could have/might have
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
If you hadn't reminded me, I ______
might have
will have
should have
Don't forget that the conditional clause can come after or before the main clause.
If my alarm had gone off, I wouldn't have been late.

I wouldn't have been late, if my alarm had gone off.
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
If my alarm hadn't gone off, I ______
would have been
have been
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
If they ______
have had
would have
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
If I ______
had known
had knew
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
She wouldn't have been allowed to speak if she ______
had disagreed
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
She would have finished the report on time if she ______
had known
could be known
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
We ______
had believed
would have believed
غائب لفظ چن کر خالی جگہ بھریں۔
Seeta ______
would have congratulated
had congratulated
اگلا لفظ