try Again
Lesson 274
‏If Sara had been on time I would not have fought with her = لو كانت حضرت سارة في الوقت المحدد لما كنت تشاجرت معها
‏Unreal = خيالي Conditional = مشروط
‏نحن نستخدم third unreal conditional عندما نريد أن نتحدث عن شيء وهمي غير حقيقي حدث في الماضي
‏Here‎,‎ ‎'Sara'‎ in reality was not on time‎.‎ The speaker is talking of a hypothetical situation ‎(‎and his reaction to the same‎)‎ in which ‎'Sara would have been on time'‎.
‏The third conditional therefore refers to a situation that is past and is impossible to change
‏If I hadn't missed the bus I would have arrived early = لو أنني لم أفوت الحافلة قد كنت وصلت مبكراً

‏We also use the ‎'third unreal conditional'‎ to express regrets about the past‎.‎
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
If the weather ______
had been
have been
has been
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
If I had worked harder, I ______
would have
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
If it ______
is not
hadn't been
will not be
‏If I hadn‎'t eaten out I wouldn'‎t have had an infection = لو أنني لم أكل من الخارج كنت لن يصيبني العدوى
‏We also use the unreal conditional to express regrets about the past
‏ نحن نستخدم third unreal conditional أيضا عندما نريد أن نظهر الأسف أو الندم على شيء حدث في الماضي
املأ الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة الناقصة
If I ______
hadn't drank
hadn't drunk
hadn't drink
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
If I hadn't missed the bus, I ______
would have
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
If I ______
hadn't fought
haven't fought
won't fight
did not fight
Unreal Conditional Structure:
If + subject + past perfect
subject + would/could have + past participle
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
If I had some money, I ______
could have
‏If the dog hadn't barked the thief might have escaped = لو أن الكلب لم ينبح قد كان هرب اللص
In the main clause, instead of 'would have', we can also use -> could have/might have
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
If you hadn't reminded me, I ______
might have
will have
should have
Don't forget that the conditional clause can come after or before the main clause.
If my alarm had gone off, I wouldn't have been late.

I wouldn't have been late, if my alarm had gone off.
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
If my alarm hadn't gone off, I ______
would have been
have been
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
If they ______
have had
would have
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
If I ______
had known
had knew
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
She wouldn't have been allowed to speak if she ______
had disagreed
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
She would have finished the report on time if she ______
had known
could be known
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
We ______
had believed
would have believed
أكمل الفراغ بإختيار اللفظ المناسب
Sara ______
would have congratulated
had congratulated
اللفظ الآتی