Latihan kata sambung (Although, Though, Whereas, dsb.)
try Again
Lesson 287
Latihan kata sambung (Although, Though, Whereas, dsb.)
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
I stayed quiet ______
in order to
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
In order to
In spite of
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
Budi went to the party ______
in spite of
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
I was busy at work ______
in spite of
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
Ivan had made a project on global warming ______
in spite of
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
I cannot promise a dinner, ______
'Saya tiba di bandara pukul 4, akan tetapi, pesawatnya telah terbang pada pukul 2.'
Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I reached the airport at 4, therefore, her flight had departed at 2.
I reached the airport at 4, however, her flight had departed at 2.
'Untuk membuat dia berhenti menangis, aku memberinya es krim.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
In order to make her stop crying, I gave her an ice cream.
In spite of making her stop crying, I gave her an ice cream.
'Dia tidak suka film romantis jadi dia tidak datang.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
She doesn't like romantic movies however she didn't come.
She doesn't like romantic movies therefore she didn't come.
'Walaupun dia tidak menang, dia telah berjuang dengan baik.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
Although he did not win but he put up a good fight.
In spite of he did not win but he put up a good fight.
'Walaupun dia tidak berasal dari sekolah berbahasa Inggris, dia berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan baik.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
In spite of he is not from an English medium school, he speaks good English.
Although he is not from an English medium school, he speaks good English.
'Dia demam oleh itu dia tidak dapat pergi ke sekolah.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
He had fever therefore he couldn't go to school.
He had fever despite he couldn't go to school.
'Dia telah menghabiskan banyak waktu di sana, jadi saat itu dia berpikir untuk pulang sekarang.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
He had spent a lot of time there, therefore he thought he should go back now.
He had spent a lot of time there, however thought he should go back now.
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
You should exercise daily ______
in order to
therefore to
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