Saran/Opini: had better, would rather
try Again
Lesson 300
Saran/Opini: had better, would rather

I would rather go to the theatre than see a movie home.
= Saya lebih suka pergi ke bioskop daripada menonton film di rumah.
Apabila kita hendak menyatakan bahwa kita lebih suka melakukan sesuatu daripada melakukan hal lain, kita gunakan 'would rather'.
Would rather (do something) than (something else). = Lebih mau (melakukan sesuatu) daripada (melakukan hal lain).

We had better hurry or we will miss the plane.
= Sebaiknya kita bergegas atau kita tertinggal pesawat.
'Had better' digunakan untuk memberikan saran/nasihat mengenai keadaan tertentu.

Sesudah 'would rather' atau 'had better', gunakan kata kerja yang tidak berubah bentuk (infinitive).
'Saya hendak keluar, lebih baik kamu bawa kunci Anda.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I am going out, so you had better take your keys with you.
I am going out, so you would rather take your keys with you.
'Restoran ini biasanya penuh, lebih baik kita memesan meja.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
This restaurant is usually crowded, so we had better reserve a table.
This restaurant is usually crowded, so we would rather reserve a table.
'Skor Anda tidak sampai batas. Lebih baik Anda berusaha lebih keras pada kesempatan berikutnya.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
Your scores aren't up to the mark. You would rather work harder next time.
Your scores aren't up to the mark. You had better work harder next time.
'Saya tidak terlalu suka konser. Saya lebih suka menonton film.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I don't fancy concerts much. I would rather watch a movie instead.
I don't fancy concerts much. I had better watch a movie instead.
'Saya lebih suka minum air daripada soda. Ia lebih sehat.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I had better drink water than soda. It's much healthier.
I would rather drink water than soda. It's much healthier.
'Lebih baik kamu beri tahu saya apa kebiadaban yang terjadi di konser itu.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
You would rather tell me what atrocities took place at the concert.
You had better tell me what atrocities took place at the concert.
'Saya lebih suka menyetir ke tempat kerja daripada naik bus.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I would rather drive to work than take the bus.
I had better drive to work than take the bus.
'Lebih baik mereka pergi awal jika tidak mau terjebak macet.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
They had better leave early if they don't want to be stuck in heavy traffic.
They would rather leave early if they don't want to be stuck in heavy traffic.
'Saya lebih baik tidak terlambat untuk wawancara pekerjaan saya. Ada banyak yang bergantung kepadanya!' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I had better not be late for my job interview. There's a lot riding on it!
I would rather not be late for my job interview. There's a lot riding on it!
'Hari semakin gelap, lebih baik kita kembali sekarang jika mau selamat.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
It's getting dark. We had better head back now if we want to be safe.
It's getting dark. We would rather head back now if we want to be safe.
'Saya tidak mau pergi berjalan-jalan, saya lebih suka tidur sepanjang pagi.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I don't want to go for a walk, I would rather sleep through the morning.
I don't want to go for a walk,I had better sleep through the morning.
'Adam lebih baik tidak makan terlalu banyak atau dia akan sakit parah.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
Adam had better not eat so much or he will fall extremely ill.
Adam would rather not eat much or he will fall extremely ill.
'Lebih baik Anda berlindung di bawah tanah hingga badai berlalu.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
You would rather hide out in the basement until the storm passes.
You had better hide out in the basement until the storm passes.
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