How has your visit been: Almost and Hardly
try Again
Lesson 322
How has your visit been: Almost and Hardly
I am almost through with my work = estoy casi terminado con mi trabajo
We use 'almost' when we try to talk about something that is 'quite close' or 'very close to (something)'.
'Almost' is used as a positive word.
For example: Almost finished = about to be finished.
The little house in which she lived was hardly bigger than a hut = La pequeña casa en la que vivía era apenas más grande que un murciélago
'Hardly' is used when we talk about something that is true to an insignificant degree.
'Hardly' is used as a negative word.
For example: Hardly finished = not finished at all.
Elija la oración que representa este hecho: 'Their Paris visit has nearly ended.'
Their visit to Paris has almost come to an end.
Their visit to Paris has hardly come to an end.
Elija la oración que representa este hecho: 'I am close to finishing my work. '
I have hardly finished my work.
I have almost finished my work.
Elija la traducción correcta en inglés de: 'Apenas he tenido tiempo este fin de semana para socializar con la gente.'
I've hardly had any time this weekend to socialize with people.
I've almost had any time this weekend to socialize with people.
Elija la traducción correcta en inglés de: 'Siento que apenas conozco gente a nivel personal.'
I feel that I hardly know people on a personal level.
I feel that I almost know people on a personal level.
Elija la oración que representa este hecho: 'The speaker said next to nothing. '
The speaker said hardly anything.
The speaker said almost anything.
Elija la oración que representa este hecho: 'I barely ever understand what he says.'
I almost never understand what he says.
I hardly never understand what he says.
Elija la oración que representa este hecho: 'I don't know too many brilliant people in the sales department.'
I hardly know anybody brilliant in the sales department.
I hardly know nobody brilliant in the sales department.
Elija la traduccion de 'La semana pasada, me salvaron de ser atropellado por un auto.'
Last week, I got saved from almost being hit by a car.
Last week, I got saved from hardly being hit by a car.
Elija la oración que representa este hecho: 'There is very little sugar left in the jar.'
There is almost no sugar left in the jar.
There is hardly no sugar left in the jar.
Elija la oración que representa este hecho: 'He did not know much about the ingredients of the salad.'
He hardly knew the ingredients of the salad.
He almost knew the ingredients of the salad.
Siguiente palabra