Menemukan kesalahan (Bagian 1)
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Lesson 326
Menemukan kesalahan (Bagian 1)
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
It took some muscle to open the shell of each mussel.
It took some mussel to open the shell of each muscle.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
I had to plumb the depth of my memory to recall the taste of the fresh plum.
I had to plum the depth of my memory to recall the taste of the fresh plumb.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
It was hardly fair that the rowdy couple did not pay the full fare for their ride.
It was hardly fare that the rowdy couple did not pay the full fair for their ride.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
Your donation frees a child from enduring the cold harsh winter freeze without a coat.
Your donation freeze a child from enduring the cold harsh winter frees without a coat.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
A peak through the window reveals a view of the mountain's highest peek.
A peek through the window reveals a view of the mountain's highest peak.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
I conceive most of my poems from the things I perceive in everyday life.
I perceive most of my poems from the things I conceive in everyday life.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
These organisms are being sent to Mars. They're genetically modified organisms that can withstand the temperatures there.
These organisms are being sent to Mars. There genetically modified organisms that can withstand the temperatures they're.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
The ceramicist wares more conventional clothing than she usually does when meeting prospective distributors of her wears.
The ceramicist wears more conventional clothing than she usually does when meeting prospective distributors of her wares.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
Because of the length of the voyage, some immigrants gave berth in the ship's crowded birth.
Because of the length of the voyage, some immigrants gave birth in the ship's crowded berth.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
He was so ascetic that he allowed nothing of aesthetic value in his barren home.
He was so aesthetic that he allowed nothing of ascetic value in his barren home.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
The longer he stayed away from his rambunctious peers, the more staid he became in his personal habits.
The longer he staid away from his rambunctious peers, the more stayed he became in his personal habits.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
I broke the cookie apart, so we could both have a part of it.
I broke the cookie a part, so we could both have apart of it.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
Her interviewers tested her mettle by asking questions that simulated journalist's tendency to meddle in the personal lives of public figures.
Her interviewers tested her meddle by asking questions that simulated journalist's tendency to mettle in the personal lives of public figures.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
By lightening the color of the sky in her painting, Sarah made it easier to see the bright yellow lightning bolt.
By lightning the color of the sky in her painting, Sarah made it easier to see the bright yellow lightening bolt.
Choose the sentence with the correct order of words
Speaking allowed is not aloud during the test.
Speaking aloud is not allowed during the test.
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