try Again
Lesson 36
'我每天都去购物中心。' 选出正确的英文翻译;
I go to the mall every day.
I go to the bus stop every day.
I go to the airport every day.
I go to the temple every day.
'我每天都去庙里。' 选出正确的英文翻译;
I go to the mall every day.
I go to the bus stop every day.
I go to the airport every day.
I go to the temple every day.
I go to the mall every day = 我每天都去购物中心。
当表述“去”某个地方的时候用 \'to\'。
如果该地方是特别的,则还要加上 \'The\' 。
I go to school = 我去学校/我去上学。
当表述“去”某个地方的时候用 \'to\'。
注意说 \'go to school\' 的时候不用加 \'the\',因为 \'go to school\'的意思是 \'去上学\'。如果你特指专门到学校里(做别的事情)的话才用加 \'the\' 。

I go to work
= 上班
当表述“去”某个地方的时候用 \'to\'。
注意说 \'go to work\' 的时候不用加 \'the\',因为 \'go to work\'的意思是 \'去上班\'。如果你特指专门到公司里(做别的事情)的话才用加 \'the\' 。
'我每天都上庙里去。' 选出正确的英文翻译;
I go to temple everyday.
Everyday I the temple to go.
I goes to the temple everyday.
I go to the temple every day.
'我每周都去展览会。' 选出正确的英文翻译(单选);
I go to the library every week.
I go to the cemetery every week.
I go to the museum every week.
I go to the exhibition every week.
'我去电影院看电影。' 选出正确的英文翻译(单选);
I watch movies on a movie theatre.
I watch movies from a movie theatre.
I watch movies at a movie theatre.
I watch movies to a movie theatre.
'她住在公园旁边。' 选出正确的英文翻译(单选);
She lives next to the park.
She lives behind the park.
She lives in the park.
She lives next to the mall.
'她在机场。' 选出正确的英文翻译;
She is at the mall.
She is at the library.
She is at the airport.
She is at the bus stop.
'庙在哪里?' 选出正确的英文翻译;
Where is the temple?
Where is the mall?
Where are the temple?
Temple is where?
'购物中心在哪里?' 选出正确的英文翻译(单选);
Where is the temple?
Where is the mall?
Where are the mall?
Mall is where?
'购物中心在你家旁边吗?' 选出正确的英文翻译(单选);
Are there a mall next to your house?
Is there a mall next to your house?
Is here a mall next to your house?
Is there malls next to your house?
    • there is
    • there are
    • a
    • the library.
    • backside
    • hospital behind
    The hospital=医院
    '医院在我家附近。' 选出正确的英文翻译(单选);
    The mall is near my house.
    The hospital is near my house.
    The park is near my house.
    The airport is near my house.
    • is
    • house
    • the
    • airport.
    • near
    • my
    '你家附近有银行吗?' 选出正确的英文翻译(单选);
    Is there a park near your house?
    Is there a bank near to the your house?
    Is there a bank near your house?
    Is there a bank near my house?