Placement of Expressions of Time, Place, Manner and Frequency
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Lesson 386
Placement of Expressions of Time, Place, Manner and Frequency
Position of Time Expressions
(E.g. recently, now, then, yesterday)
Adverbs of time are usually put at the end of the sentence.

E.g. I will tell you the story tomorrow.
Subject - I, Verb(s) - will tell, Indirect object - you, Direct object - the story, Time - tomorrow

If you don't want to put emphasis on the time, you can also put the adverb of time at the beginning of the sentence.

E.g. Tomorrow, I will tell you the story.
Time - tomorrow, Subject - I, Verb(s) - will tell, Indirect object - you, Direct object - the story
'Note that some'^~^'typefacestyle'
Subject Auxiliary/be Adverb Main Verb Object, Place or Verb
I often go swimming in the evenings.
He doesnt always play tennis.
We are usually here in summer.
I have never been abroad.
'Decide where to place the time expression(s).' ;
We went yesterday to the cinema.
We yesterday went to the cinema.
We went to the cinema yesterday.
All three options are correct.
'Decide where to place the time expression(s).' ;
She goes every Sunday to the cinema
She goes to the cinema every Sunday.
She every Sunday goes to the cinema.
All three options are correct.
'Decide where to place the time expression(s).' ;
I seldom am at the cinema.
I am at the cinema seldom.
I am seldom at the cinema.
All three are correct
'Placement of adverbs of manner'^~^'typefacestyle'
Subject Verb(s) Direct Object Adverb
He drove the car carefully.
He drove carefully.
Pick the correct order:
She wonderfully sang.
She sang wonderfully.
Pick the correct order:
He treated her respectfully.
Respectfully he treated her.
Pick the correct order:
They sneaked out quietly out of the house.
They sneaked out of the house quietly.
'Placement of adverbs of place'^~^'typefacestyle'
Subject Verb(s) Direct object Adverb
I didnt see him here.
He stayed behind.
Arrange the jumbled words:
    • were
    • everywhere
    • we
    • for
    • looking
    • you
    Arrange the jumbled words:
    • we
    • anywhere
    • you
    • find
    • couldn't
    • found
    Arrange the jumbled words:
    • nearby?
    • there
    • a post office
    • is
    • near?
    • closely?
    Adverbs of time are usually put at the end of the sentence.

    E.g. I will not go to work tomorrow.

    If you don't want to put emphasis on the time, you can also put the adverb of time at the beginning of the sentence.
    E.g. Tomorrow, I will not go to work.
    Pick the correct order:
    We met him afterwards at the pub.
    We met him at the pub afterwards.
    Pick the correct option:
    Kevin doesn't usually get up before seven.
    Kevin doesn't get up usually before seven.
    Pick the correct option:
    We often go to the cinema.
    We go often to the cinema.
    Pick the correct option:
    Maria hardly ever watches TV.
    Maria ever hardly watches TV.
    Pick the correct option:
    He is making at the moment breakfast.
    He is making breakfast at the moment.
    Pick the correct option:
    The boys ride their bikes every Tuesday.
    The boys every Tuesday ride their bikes.
    Some other adverbs that tell us 'how often' express the exact number of times an action happens or happened. These adverbs are usually placed at the end of the sentence.

    i) This magazine is published monthly.
    ii) He visits his mother once a week.
    iii) I work five days a week.
    iv) I saw the movie seven times.
    If you need to use more than one adverb of time in a sentence, use them in this order:

    1: how long 2: how often 3: when

    1 + 2: I work (1) for five hours (2) every day
    1 + 3: I was abroad (1) for two months (3) last year.
    Pick the correct option:
    I daily go to work.
    I go to work daily.
    Pick the correct option:
    The magazine was published last year weekly
    The magazine was published weekly last year.
    Pick the correct option:
    She worked in a hospital for two days every week last year
    She worked in a hospital every week last year for two days.
    Pick the correct option:
    You must always fasten your seat belt.
    You always must fasten your seat belt.
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