Position of Adverbs
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Lesson 388
Position of Adverbs
1. Adverb of Manner
Adverbs of manner tell us how something is done. Examples of adverbs of manner are nicely, slowly, beautifully, carefully, meticulously, awfully.

These adverbs come after the direct object, or after the verb if there isn't any direct object.

E.g. i) He completed the task efficiently. (The adverb of manner efficiently comes after the direct object, the task.)
ii) He wrote the exam carelessly. (The adverb of manner 'carelessly', comes after the direct object, the exam.)
iii) She sang melodiously. (The adverb of manner 'melodiously' comes after the verb, sang.)
Note: A direct object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb in a sentence.
An indirect object is really a prepositional phrase in which the preposition to or for is not stated but understood. It tells to whom or for whom something is done.
Form the correct sentence.
    • painted the
    • beautifully
    • She
    • wall
    Form the correct sentence.
    • with the problem
    • methodical
    • She
    • very methodically
    • dealt
    Form the correct sentence.
    • the party
    • very much
    • everybody
    • enjoyed
    • many
    2. Adverbs of Place
    Adverbs of place tell us where something is done. Examples of adverbs of place are 'here', 'there', 'behind', 'above'...

    Adverbs of place are like adverbs of manner. They also come after the direct object, or the verb (if there is no object).

    E.g. i) I will meet him there. (The adverb of place 'there' comes after the direct object 'him'.)
    ii) The priest sat here. (The adverb of place 'here' comes after the verb 'sat'.)
    3. Adverbs of Time
    Adverbs of time tell us when / at what time something is done. Adverbs of time are usually placed at the end of a sentence. They can also be used at the beginning of a sentence followed by a comma. Examples of adverbs of time are 'recently', 'now', 'then', 'today', 'tonight', 'tomorrow', 'yesterday'...

    E.g. I will show you the dress tomorrow.
    Tomorrow, I will show you the dress.
    4. Adverbs of Frequency

    Examples of adverbs of frequency are \'always, never, seldom, usually, occasionally, frequently...\'

    Adverbs of frequency come before the main verb except the main verb \'to be\':
    E.g. i) I occasionally visit my uncle.
    ii) We have often seen him pass by the alley.
    iii)They are seldom at the church.

    Occasionally, sometimes, often, frequently and usually can also go at the beginning or at the end of a sentence:
    E.g. i) Sometimes, they visit him.
    ii)I miss him occasionally.

    Rarely and seldom can also go at the end of a sentence (often with \'very\'):
    E.g. i) We see them rarely.
    ii) She eats fish very seldom.

    We do not use adverbs of definite frequency (daily, weekly) at the beginning of a sentence.
    Monthly I get paid.
    ✓ I get paid monthly.
    Form the correct sentence.
    • do they play
    • every
    • weekend
    • soccer
    • a
    Form the correct sentence.
    • He did not
    • in the test
    • perform good
    • perform well
    • perform welly
    Form the correct sentence.
    • I have never
    • I have always
    • been to the USA
    • I have usually
    Pick the correct option:
    They ______
    listen usually
    usually listen
    Pick the correct option:
    I ______
    have never seen
    never have seen
    Pick the correct option:
    We ______
    really didn't like
    Form the correct sentence.
    • in
    • friendly
    • friendlyly
    • a friendly way
    • She spoke
    Form the correct sentence.
    • Australia always
    • Australia usually
    • Australia just once
    • to
    • Australia never
    • I have been
    Pick the correct option:
    I bought an interesting book two weeks ______
    Pick the correct option:
    She usually arrives ______
    Pick the correct option:
    My friends are ______
    Pick the correct option:
    Pick the correct option:
    That seemed ______
    Pick the correct option:
    It was late, but they hadn’t arrived ______
    Pick the correct option:
    Have you finished that book ______
    Pick the correct option:
    He could ______
    Pick the correct option:
    I am ______
    Pick the correct option:
    She is certainly the right person for the job.
    She is the right person certainly for the job.
    Pick the correct option:
    I’ve just seen Susan coming out of the cinema.
    Just I’ve seen Susan coming out of the cinema.
    Pick the correct option:
    If you ______
    Pick the correct option:
    I once a month pay my rent.
    I pay my rent once a month.
    Pick the correct option:
    They watch television hardly ever.
    They hardly ever watch television.
    Pick the correct option:
    These days I eat desserts rarely.
    These days I eat desserts very rarely.
    Pick the correct option:
    Every day
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