Adverbs of frequency - never, often, sometimes, always etc.
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Lesson 66
Adverbs of frequency - never, often, sometimes, always etc.
never कहिले पनि होइन —> सबैभन्दा कम हुने वाला
rarely शायद नै कहिल्यै
sometimes कहिलेकाहीं
often अक्सर
usually प्राय जसो
always सधैं —> सबैभन्दा धेरै हुने वाला
'उनी सधैं समयमा आइपुग्छिन.' को अंग्रेज़ीमा अनुवाद छनौट गर्नुहोस्.;
She is never on time.
She is rarely on time.
She is always on time.
She is sometimes on time.
'म अफिसको लागि सधैं ट्रैन लिन्छु.' को अंग्रेज़ीमा अनुवाद छनौट गर्नुहोस्;
I am always take the train to work.
I always am take the train to work.
I alwaysly take the train to work.
I always take the train to work.
'हामी प्राय जसो अफिसमा भेट्छौ.' को अंग्रेज़ीमा अनुवाद छनौट गर्नुहोस्.;
We oftenly meet at office.
We are often meet at office.
We rarely meet at office.
We often meet at office.
उहाँ कहिले पनि ढिला आउनुहुन्न.
    • often
    • comes
    • he
    • late.
    • usually
    • never
    'म शायद नै कहिल्यै उसंग कुरा गर्छु.' को अंग्रेज़ीमा अनुवाद छनौट गर्नुहोस्.;
    I never speak to him.
    I rare speak to him.
    I always speak to him.
    I rarely speak to him.
    I am NEVER late for work
    Subject + To-be (is/am/are) + adverb + extras.
    Eg: She is always on time

    I NEVER come late
    Subject + adverb + verb + extras.
    Eg: She always comes on time
    मिसिंग शब्द छनौट गरेर, रिक्त स्थान भर्नुहोस्.
    I ______
    am never
    can never
    'म प्राय जसो शनिवार काम गर्दिन.' को अंग्रेज़ीमा अनुवाद छनौट गर्नुहोस्.;
    I do not usually work on Saturdays.
    I do not always work on Saturdays.
    I do not never work on Saturdays.
    I often work on Saturdays.
    मिसिंग शब्द छनौट गरेर, रिक्त स्थान भर्नुहोस्.
    I ______
    do not never
    do not usual
    do not usually
    do not rare
    'उनी कहिलेकाहीं मलाई कल गर्छिन्.' को अंग्रेज़ीमा अनुवाद छनौट गर्नुहोस्.;
    She is sometimes calls me.
    She sometimes calls me.
    She calls sometimes me.
    She sometime calls me.
    'उ प्राय जसो राम्रा लुगा लगाउछ.' को अंग्रेज़ीमा अनुवाद छनौट गर्नुहोस्.;
    He rarely wears nice clothes.
    He never wears nice clothes.
    He usually wears nice clothes.
    He is usually wear nice clothes.
    मिसिंग शब्द छनौट गरेर, रिक्त स्थान भर्नुहोस्.
    It ______
    गर्मीमा प्राय जसो घाम लागेको हुन्छ.
    • usually sunny
    • It
    • summers.
    • is
    • rarely sunny
    • in
    'काठमाण्डौंमा कहिले पनि हिउँ पर्दैन. ' को अंग्रेज़ीमा अनुवाद छनौट गर्नुहोस्.;
    It snows never in Kathmandu.
    It is never snow in Kathmandu.
    It never snows in Kathmandu.
    It will never snow in Kathmandu.
    अर्को शब्द