Adverbs of frequency - never, often, sometimes, always等
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Lesson 66
Adverbs of frequency - never, often, sometimes, always等
never 永不 -> 最低级
rarely 罕有
sometimes 有时
often 经常
usually 通常
always 总是 -> 最高级
It rarely rains in Xinjiang. = 新疆很少下雨。
'Rarely' (副词)修饰 'rains'。
Sometimes it rains in Shanxi = 陕西有时候会下雨。
副词 (adverb) 不能被放在动词(verb)附近。
'她向来都很准时。' 翻译成英文。;
She is never on time.
She is rarely on time.
She is always on time.
She is sometimes on time.
'我向来都是坐火车去上班的。' 选出正确的英文翻译。;
I am always take the train to work.
I always am take the train to work.
I alwaysly take the train to work.
I always take the train to work.
'我们经常在办公室见面。' 选出正确的英文翻译。;
We oftenly meet at the office.
We are often meet at the office.
We rarely meet at the office.
We often meet at the office.
    • often
    • comes
    • he
    • late.
    • usually
    • never
    '我很少和他说话。' 选出正确的英文翻译。;
    I never speak to him.
    I rare speak to him.
    I always speak to him.
    I rarely speak to him.
    I am NEVER late for work = 我上班从来不迟到。
    Subject (I) + To-Be (am) + Adverb (never) + Adjective (late) / Adjunct (for work)
    Eg: She is always on time. = 她向来很准时。
    I never COME LATE = 我从来不迟到。
    Subject (I) + Adverb (never) + Verb (come) + Adjective (late)
    Contoh lain: She always comes on time. = 她向来都会准时到。
    I ______
    am never
    can never
    '我周六一般都没有上班。' 选出正确的英文翻译。;
    I do not usually work on Saturdays.
    I do not always work on Saturdays.
    I do not never work on Saturdays.
    I often work on Saturdays.
    I ______
    do not never
    do not usual
    do not usually
    do not rare
    '有时候她会打电话给我。' 选出正确的英文翻译。;
    She is sometimes calls me.
    She sometimes calls me.
    She calls sometimes me.
    She sometime calls me.
    '他通常都穿漂亮的衣服。' 选出正确的词语以填入空格。;
    He rarely wears nice clothes.
    He never wears nice clothes.
    He usually wears nice clothes.
    He is usually wear nice clothes.
    It ______
    • usually sunny
    • It
    • summers.
    • is
    • rarely sunny
    • in
    '广州从不下雪。' 翻译成英文。;
    It snows never in Guangzhou.
    It is never snow in Guangzhou.
    It never snows in Guangzhou.
    It will never snow in Guangzhou.