Past Continuous Tense
try Again
Lesson 75
Past Continuous Tense
I met Monica when I was shopping. = Saya bertemu Monica ketika saya sedang berbelanja.
Ada dua kejadian masa lalu dalam kalimat Past Continuous Tense, yaitu Past Simple yang berlangsung satu kali (I met Monica) dan Past Continuous yang berlangsung terus-menerus (when I was shopping).
While I was shopping, I met Monica. = Selagi saya berbelanja, saya bertemu Monica.
Kejadian Past Simple dan Past Continuous dapat dihadirkan yang mana pun lebih dulu di dalam kalimat.

Gunakan 'when' (ketika) atau 'while' (selagi) untuk menghubungkan kejadian Past Tense dan kejadian Past Continuous.

Contoh lain: I was shopping when I met Monica. = Saya sedang berbelanja ketika saya bertemu Monica.
While I was shopping, I met Monica.
1: While I was shopping: Subject + was/were + Verb -ing
I met Monica: Subject + Verb (past tense) + Object
They were eating candies when Mother came.
2: They were eating candies: Subject + was/were + Verb -ing
when Mother came: Subject + Verb (past tense)
Isi bagian yang kosong dengan pilihan yang tepat.
While I ______
was doing
was did
Isi bagian yang kosong dengan pilihan yang tepat.
We found an old box while we ______
was digging
were digging
was digged
Isi bagian yang kosong dengan pilihan yang tepat.
While I ______
were having
was have
was having
Isi bagian yang kosong dengan pilihan yang tepat.
Bella ______
was met
was meeting
were meeting
Isi bagian yang kosong dengan pilihan yang tepat.
Jerry ______
was arriving
was arrived
'Kakak saya sedang mengerjakan tugas saya saat saya tiba di rumah.' Pilih terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
My sister did my work when I reached home.
My sister was doing my work when I reached home.
My sister is doing my work when I reached home.
My sister were doing my work when I reached home.
'Saya bermain gitar di pesta kemarin.' Pilih terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
I was playing the guitar at the party yesterday.
I am playing the guitar at the party yesterday.
I were playing the guitar at the party yesterday.
I was play the guitar at the party yesterday.
'Saya tadi sedang menunggu untuk berbicara dengan sutradara.' Pilih terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
I were waiting to speak to the director.
I was waited to speak to the director.
I was wait to speak to the director.
I was waiting to speak to the director.
'Hujan sedang turun saat saya tiba di rumah.' Pilih terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
It was raining when I reached home.
It was raining when I was reached home.
It was raining when I was reach home.
It was raining when I was reaching home.
'Kami tadi sedang mencuci pakaian di kamar mandi.' Pilih terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
We were wash clothes in the bathroom.
We was washing clothes in the bathroom.
We were washed clothes in the bathroom.
We were washing clothes in the bathroom.
Isi bagian yang kosong dengan pilihan yang tepat.
Our neighbors ______
was staring
were staring
was stared
were stared
Terjemahkan kalimat ini ke dalam bahasa Inggris.
Mereka pergi ke pesta tadi malam.
Isi bagian yang kosong dengan pilihan yang tepat.
I ______
was meet
was met
Terjemahkan kalimat ini ke dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Dulu saya bekerja di rumah sakit.
Isi bagian yang kosong dengan pilihan yang tepat.
They saw her when they ______
were going
was going
were went
were gone
Apakah mereka tadi sedang berbicara dengan kami?
    • they
    • were
    • did
    • talking
    • talk
    • to us?
    Kami tidak akan menghadiri pertemuan itu.
    • We were not
    • we did not
    • going
    • went
    • to the meeting.
    • gone
    Semua orang akan menghadiri pertemuan itu.
    • Everyone
    • were going
    • was going
    • conference.
    • to attend
    • the conference.
    Saya sedang makan pizza kemarin.
    • was have
    • was having
    • was had
    • I
    • yesterday.
    • a pizza
    Saya tidak tidur tadi malam.
    • was not
    • sleeping
    • were not sleeping
    • I
    • last night.
    • slept
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