Salary बारे कुराकानी
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Lesson 80
Salary बारे कुराकानी
What are=के छ
म रू. २५,०००/- को अपेक्षा गर्छु.
    • expect
    • am
    • I
    • rupees 25000
    • expectation
    मिसिंग शब्द छनौट गरेर, रिक्त स्थान भर्नुहोस्.
    I ______
    am expect
    do expect
    मेरो वर्तमान तलब ५००० रूपैया प्रत्येक महिना छ.
    • per month
    • is
    • my
    • rupees 5000
    • are
    • current salary
    'मेरो वर्तमान तलब ८००० रूपैया छ र म १०,००० रूपैयाको आशा गर्छु.
    ' को अंग्रेज़ीमा अनुवाद छनौट गर्नुहोस्.
    My current salary is rupees 8,000, and I expect rupees 10,000.
    My current salary are rupees 8,000, and I expect rupees 10,000.
    My current salary is rupees 8,000, and I am expect rupees 10,000.
    Mine current salary is rupees 8,000, and I expect rupees 10,000.
    'मेरो वर्तमान तलब ८००० रूपैया छ, अनि म २०% वृद्धिको आशा गर्छु.' को अंग्रेज़ीमा अनुवाद छनौट गर्नुहोस्.;
    My current salary is rupees 8,000, and I expect a hike of 20%.
    My current salary is rupees 8,000, and I am expect a hike of 20%.
    My current salary is rupees 8,000, and I have expect a hike of 20%.
    My current salary is rupees 8,000, and I accept a hike of 20%.
    छुटेको शब्द छनौट गरेर, खाली ठाउँ भर्नुहोस्.
    My current salary is rupees 16,000 and ______
    I am expecting hike
    I expect a hike
    I expect a salary
    I expect hike
    को अंग्रेज़ीमा अनुवाद गर्नुहोस्
    'पछिल्लो अप्रैज़लमा मैले २०% को वृद्धि पाए.' को अंग्रेज़ीमा अनुवाद छनौट गर्नुहोस् ।;
    I received a hike of 20% in the last appraisal.
    I am receive a hike of 20% in the last appraisal.
    I was received a hike of 20% in the last appraisal.
    I received a hikes of 20% in the last appraisal.
    छुटेको शब्द छनौट गरेर, खाली ठाउँ भर्नुहोस्.
    I ______
    receive a hike
    received a hike
    have receiving a hike
    am receiving a hike
    अर्को शब्द